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subject: Will Traffic School Keep Auto Insurance Rates Down? [print this page]

Will Traffic School Keep Auto Insurance Rates Down?

Will Traffic School Keep Auto Insurance Rates Down?

Take the traffic school. One additional ticket on a driving record can make a significant increase in rates. In California, drivers are only generally offered the option to take traffic school for one moving violation within an eighteen month period.

If the driver has already have one violation or a chargeable accident within the last three years then the increase in your rates could be detrimental. The combination of a chargeable accident and a moving violation or two moving violations within three years will make consumers lose your good driver discount. The insurance premiums will increase on the next policy renewal or the next time that the consumer changes insurance companies. The good driver discount is 20 percent for most insurance companies.

Drivers also need to take into consideration that they will receive a surcharge for the additional ticket as well as lose many options for insurance companies. There are many insurance companies in the standard market that only accept California good drivers. If drivers are given the opportunity to take traffic school for a moving violation that was received it could be the best investment they could ever make compared to the cost. If drivers find themselves in an accident at a later time, they would be happy that they cleared first ticket.

In order to be maintain the maximum amount of options on auto insurance policies and to have access to all carriers it is important that drivers keep a good driving record. If you find yourself in a position that a driver is offered the opportunity to take traffic school, by all means, take the traffic school.

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