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subject: The Social Function Of Aging White Sugar Sugar Skyrocketing + King Considerable Money [print this page]

When xylitol, probiotics, Bifidobacterium factors such as the consumer experience and create a strange concept of non-stop flash in the ad, you know, they represent functional sugar market is secretly laugh. When the wholesale price of sugar from the beginning to the end of last year, double the increase experienced and may continue to rise before the Spring Festival, is about 500 yuan per ton goes much higher, you know, functional sugar substitute sugar 20% of the market, the future possibility of once again been put on the desktop.

Expected compound annual growth rate over 40%

Bowling Po announcement shows that its original plans to invest 86 million yuan annual output of 1,000 tons of erythritol production line technological transformation, transformed output will reach 4000 tons, sales income 120 million, profit of about 30.28 million yuan. It is learned that erythritol is a sugar alcohol functionality can be used as food and beverage sweetener, is also available as an alternative sweetener diabetes, bowling Po is the first to achieve industrialization erythritol production enterprise, in 2004 the first production will be 1,000 tons of production line, which is present in tons of the product, the highest price. This reporter learned that, at present, and fructose syrup Isomaltooligosaccharide two leading business revenues accounted for bowling 70% of Po, the former market share of 70%, which is also about 10% market share, sales in 2008 were achieved 33 thousand tons and 6.2 million tons and sales amount of 180 000 000 140 000 000.

Qilu Securities Master Su analysis of its products in 2009 Isomaltooligosaccharide melamine flat and the financial crisis in 2010, began to grow, the estimated annual growth of 20%, 40% gross margin; fructose syrup 15% annual growth expected gross margin of 18%; erythritol production capacity expansion, the contribution to profits next year could be more than 20 million. "With the IPO project 10,000 tons and 30,000 tons fructooligosaccharides soluble fiber put into production in the fourth quarter of this year, bowling treasure the next three years up to 40% compound annual growth rate."

"FOS strong profitability and water-soluble dietary fiber project into production will greatly enhance the profit level of bowling treasure." Hsiung Feng GF Securities analyst, said the project to the 2011 annual capacity utilization rate of up to 50%, 2012 reached 70% -80%. The fructose syrup in 2009 fourth quarter by 5% increase in the price, the existing 170,000 tons production capacity, production is still large room for improvement. It is noteworthy, as function of sugar industry and the close binding of the downstream business, Huatai Securities analyst Liu Peng said, "decided the future of bowling treasure is not in production capacity, marketing capability in its ability to keep up with the pace of capacity expansion . "

Downstream product structure restricted food manufacturers

In fact, in August last year, listed a number of agencies to target high prices were set at 54 yuan higher Bowling Po is the function of sugar but a microcosm of the market. This reporter learned that, in Shandong Yucheng, in addition to the national capacity for the first bowling oligosaccharides Po, also the world's largest production base in Shandong dragon force Xylooligosaccharides biotechnology and the largest domestic manufacturer of Shandong Futian Pharmaceutical Xylitol industry. In the Yucheng function of sugar production capacity of 50 million tons, domestic sales accounted for 80%, international 25%, is well-deserved feature sugar capital of the world.

According to Hai Tong Securities analyst Zhao Yong describes, Long the leading edge products XOS production from 1,000 tons in 2001 to the current 10,000 tons. In recent years, sales volume has reached more than 5000 tons, the main customers include unlimited pole and Mengniu, Yili and so on. The Fukuda began production from the 1990s, xylitol, sales and second in Asia, currently has a production capacity 40,000 tons, customers include Wahaha, silver heron, Wrigley, Cadbury, Mengniu, Yili, benefits up to, good li Friends of recent years to maintain an annual sales growth rate 30% -40%. "1998 Bowling Po Isomaltooligosaccharide offline, its first client is locked at the first national food brand Robust, the year in the consumer downturn, Robust 'Lifeline Express' is the main reason to achieve extraordinary results highlights its rich Bifidobacterium promoting factor. Subsequently, Wahaha, melatonin, Xizhilang, Mengniu, Yili and other users have become bowling treasure. At the same time, the series has developed a syrup, and in 2005 Coca-Cola supplier qualification by adding into the international supply chain, in 2008 and the two signed a three-year music long-term contract, a favorable capacity utilization to ensure the sustained release. "Zhao Yong mean, it is apparent the next decade, the development of functional sugar, food and beverage companies still depend on the acceleration of product structure adjustment.

This reporter learned that, because of greatly constrained by the downstream business, functional sugar companies have expended much effort in order to attach the provisions of purchase and sales contracts with price lock processing profits. "There is a strong bargaining power downstream, but upstream of the corn starch, starch sugar and other raw materials first processed and volatile. To bowling available to Coca-Cola syrup Po, for example, product price, including processing fees and the cost of corn starch and freight, freight Coca-Cola bottling plant in accordance with the distance consultation, if this means more than 5% starch price fluctuations, but also through mutual consultation. "Zhao Yong said the strategy is to ensure that the function of this variable in the expansion of sugar companies in the process of profit, net profit rate fluctuations over the years a very small, only 0.86%.

To be launched against swarm can lead to excess capacity

"Two factors ensure the future of functional sugar market to the good." Internal purchasing department of a beverage company personnel Yuan Feng (a pseudonym) told reporters that an aging population in China and the rich man's disease increases, the second is the rapid sugar prices surge, "but the melamine incident, the state's strict control throughout the food additives industry, no doubt affected the function of sugar market, business to wanted stability in the short term is likely to give up on the adjustment of product structure. In fact, manufacturers are also in the face of cost pressures will give product upgrades, which also resulted in 2008,2009 for two years, a considerable number of small features sugar business failures, and even a few we have heard over the sound cut-off. "

The sugar futures prices from 2900 yuan in early / ton low, in May rose to 3,900 yuan, 4,900 yuan in August, breaking the 5,000 yuan mark in December. Shanghai Securities analyst Guo Changsheng said functional sugar substitute sugar for the potential long-term trend is very promising. Yuan Guo Changsheng endorse the views of the wind, but he believes that "even features the most inexpensive sugar xylitol, sucrose is five times the price, whether to adopt the new sweetener is a game in terms of the manufacturers. "

Have functional sugar industry because of excessive optimism and excessive expansion, in 2007, 2008 between the domestic xylitol production from 60,000 tons to upgrade to 10 million tons, the height of more than 100 manufacturers, but demand growth is far from home and abroad, such as expect as overflowing, resulting in xylitol Price dropped from 40,000 20,000 yuan. "Features the last two years compared to over 50% of sugar production growth, global demand increased by only 20% of the rapidly emerging market into oversupply in this predicament." Yuan-feng functional sugar industry must have a plan to create a "Sweet," the future of the Great Leap Forward will be re-torn.

by: gaga

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