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subject: Bad Credit Loans: Monetary Help For Those In Bad Credit [print this page]

Bad credit "" a financial situation everyone would not want to be in. However, at times due to certain circumstances we fall into bad credit and eventual financial downfall follows. Now, if this is one of your situation and you wish to bank yourself out with some financial help, bad credit loans could be your rescue plan.

As the name suggests, bad credit loans are monetary help for those in bad credit planning a rescue mission to improve their financial conditions or meet some urgent financial requirements. So, while most of the bad credit loans are used to consolidate debts and pay off bills, they are also used to renovate homes, buy a new car or property, meet holiday or wedding expenses, etc. Above all, these loans are meant for those with bad credit.

Bad credit loans, like most conventional loans, come in secured and unsecured forms on which depends the amount of the loans. This means that one has to place collateral under the secured bad credit loans and get the cash in value for it while one does not have to place collateral under the unsecured loans. So, the amount of the secured loans, 5000- 75000, is often more than the unsecured loans, 1000 "" 25000.

Secured bad credit loans also has certain advantages like lower interest rate and long repayment time of 5-25 years while it just about 6 months to 10 years for the unsecured loans. However, the advantage of the unsecured loans is that due to the absence of collateral there are no documents or paperwork involved making the process of application simpler and easier. Moreover, one does not have to risk on their property in case of inadvertent defaults.

However, these bad credit loans are avail only to the employed citizen of UK with a certain age category, often above 25 years. While this is to ensure the repaying capability of the borrowers it also mandatory the borrower possesses a valid bank account for the purpose of the loans.

by: Edwin Hadley

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