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Tips For Picking A Home Business

Tips For Picking A Home Business
Tips For Picking A Home Business

It can be a real minefield when looking for a home business opportunity. There are so many different opportunities out there it's easy to get overwhelmed, plus the fact that there are scams out there and un-ethical people wanting to make a quick buck. You need to do some intelligent research!

The fact is that many people across the world are making full time incomes from home working online so it is a viable option. It does not come easy though, there is a lot of work and learning to do, in order to be successful.

The two main business models I deal with are Network Marketing (MLM) and Top-Tier direct sales. Affiliate marketing is another popular method of making money, you market someone else's products and get compensated on a per sale basis.

Network marketing is more focused on building a downline or team of people under you. When they make sales and recruit, you make money. There's no doubt this is an extremely good business model, get enough people under you and your residual cheques will be coming in for work that you did just once. MLM is well worth considering.

Direct sales/top tier pays you when you make a product sale, usually it's a large commission, often there won't be much passive income as you won't get paid several levels deep. High buy in products are called 'High Ticket', they are expensive to join, thus the high commissions, they can be extremely profitable but you will probably have to prospect more folks in order to make a sale. Of course higher profits has its advantages, you have a much better margin of profit and will probably be able to invest more into promotional activity.

If your selling a 200 dollar product and sell 5 of them from $500 worth of advertising then you will double your money, but just imagine if you earn $2000 from each sale, a much better profit margin.

Its always worth checking out any business you are thinking about joining, see if there is any negative information about it. You will also be joining through someone, so you need to choose your sponsor carefully. Its a fact of the industry that there are people around who don't deliver on their promises of support and coaching. Once you have joined some will magically disappear or become difficult to contact!

I'd urge you to be careful choosing a mentor and get in contact with them on the phone, you need to scope these people out to make sure they are going to deliver what they say they will, before you start parting with money.

When researching the company see how long they have been trading for. Getting into a company at ground level can reap some massive rewards, but on the other hand there is no track record and many new companies come and go every week. I've found it's usually easier to sign more people up to a new company than one that's been around for a long time. When looking at any business I like to look at the products and consider if there is a market for them, also I ask myself if the products would still be bought even if there was not a network marketing compensation plan attached to them.

Regardless of what business you are looking to join there are many key factors that you need to take into consideration, missing out on just one could mean your failure in the industry.

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