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Three Reasons To Avoid The Make Money Online Niche

Three Reasons To Avoid The Make Money Online Niche

You see it time and time again, an enthusiastic new internet marketer just beginning to learn internet marketing and for some reason, they begin their new venture by attempting to attack and compete in the MMO niche of all things. When I see this I think to myself that yet another fledgling internet marketer has succumb to the promises of the gurus.Why would somebody pursue such a difficult niche as a first attempt to make money when there are countless other niches so much easier to dominate and so much more profitable? That is beyond me. That being said, here are three reasons to avoid the Make Money Online niche.

It's Over-Played And Over-Hyped. MMO has been over-played for as long as I can remember. Honestly, does anybody think that anybody buys the photo-shopped pictures of Clickbank accounts that show massive earnings claimed to be gained with little to no work using a "proven system"? Why do people fall for these? Do people think that earning money online is that easy? Well, it's not. Actually, it is quite a lengthy, labor intensive effort with a huge learning curve and a host of required technical skills. Remember, if anybody sells you a dream, then that is exactly what you get, a dream. Unfortunately, no cash comes with it, but, rather, debt.

The Reputation Of Your Product Is Performance Based. If you actually fall for the hype and buy a product, odds are you will be severely disappointed after you fail to make money with their proven system. This is one of the biggest reasons to avoid selling MMO products as you reputation is tied to the performance of those who may purchase your MMO product. This means that people will attempt to apply your rehashed information and most likely fail to make money. When no money is made after minimal effort then one of two things will happen. Either they will request a refund which will put you in the hole after fees or they will blast your product online in forums.

It's Not A Long Term Business Plan. Regardless of what anyone tells you, MMO is a fad that comes and goes. MMO is actually a rehashed version of a way to make money that has been around since long before the internet. This scenario has been played out in many other formats one of the most popular being it's predecessor that actually was handled through direct mailing. MMO, as in the case of it's offline ancestors will eventually die also, at least for a while. Why do I say for a while? Because as humans, we forget and repeat our mistakes. Unfortunately, this trait seems to be fundamental to our nature.

If you are looking to make money online, you can do it. Just do yourself a favor and avoid the Make Money Online niche. It is the perfect way NOT to make money, but rather to flop around like a fish out of water chasing a dream that never materializes. If you are looking to make money online, pick a free e-course (yes, that's right, free) and spend your money on tools and assets only, not information products. Check out our free niche SEM course below for free.

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