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Tips and Tricks:How to get free stuff online

Tips and Tricks:How to get free stuff online

There are huge, thriving and extremely active communities of freebie seekers who provide referrals for each other, either as a trade, or for cash. So, you can pay people to complete your referrals, or you can promise to do one for them if they do one for you.Even if you pay people $10-$20 each, you can still get your gadgets at less than half price. The important thing is: you don't HAVE to pay people. Heck,you don't even have to fill out offers for them if you're nice, they might just do it for you for nothing!

The crux of the matter is this: you can sign up to these community forums (atno cost, of course), and start trading referrals immediately. Then you'll have an endless supply of referrals, on-demand, whenever you need it.

So, here's 6 awesome referral swapping forums:







Be sure to check out and sign up for all these forums, read all their rules, and

check out the various galleries of "proof" from members photos of them

receiving their freebies. It's very inspiring, and shows that the system laid out

here really does work.

You can also get referral,outside communities like the one listed.

1.Blogging you can create a free blog website at to

advertise freebies ("How To Get A Free XBox", or "How To Get A Free

iPhone"). Include your referral links all over the blog, and encourage

people to get involved in freebie hunting. When they do, that'll count as

a referral for you.

2.Be Everywhere! post your referral link everywhere your friends and

family will see it. Email signatures, forum signatures, instant messaging

(MSN, AOL, ICQ, IRC etc), on your profile pages on all the big social

networks (Facebook, Bebo, MySpace, etc). Be sure to include a brief

description of what people can get for free to encourage them to click it.

The more places you can put your link, the more people will see it, and

the more referrals you'll get.

3. Flyers you can have flyers printed up and distribute them around your

local area. Either door to door, or in shops, or on local noticeboards.

Don't go overboard though, or people will get annoyed.

4.Family + Friends work hard at getting your family and friends

involved. It's quick, won't cost them anything, and you get something

free. Plus, they often get free trials of cool stuff, so it's a win-win

situation. AND.. if they like it, you can promise to refer for them and

their freebie too.

5.Word Of Mouth whenever you get chance, tell people about what

you're doing, and encourage them to click through your link. It helps if

you have it online somewhere so you can just give them your Blogger

website address. You could always email it to them though.

You now know everything you need to know to get 100% free

gadgets, now and for the rest of your life. All you've got to do is grab the bull

by the horns and do it. Thousands of other people are doing it, and are

getting millions of dollars worth of free gadgets because of it.

VisitFree-Stuff now and get device like iphone,xbox etc for free.

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