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subject: Six Easy Ways In Protecting Your Money While You Travel [print this page]

Six Easy Ways In Protecting Your Money While You Travel

If you want keep your money safe when you are traveling, you should divide your cash and stash it in different places, carry only the necessary amount of local currency in your pocket, have a security pouch to keep your money, use a fanny pack instead of a purse or tote, use the hotel safe as a secure place to leave some of your money, and list down contact numbers of banks and other important information.

Traveling has some uncertainties. It is essential that your money should be kept safe while traveling because of this very reason. Here are a few good tips to keep your money safe while traveling to avoid any hassles and inconveniences during your trip:

Do not put all your money in one place

It is very important to remember not to keep all your cash in one place. If you carry everything in your wallet and it gets stolen or lost, you will end up with nothing. It is best to place your money in separate pouches. The money can be divided between your wallet, pockets and other pouches.
Six Easy Ways In Protecting Your Money While You Travel

Use your pocket to carry a small amount of local currency

You have to put some money in your pocket to pay for transportation and also other little things you will need. The principle behind carrying only the necessary amount is that in case you lose the money to a pickpocket, the losses will not be that great. To avoid dropping your money and have them organized, use a money clamp.

Have a security pouch to keep your money

To keep your money concealed from potential thieves, it's useful to have a money belt or other security pouch. In the money belt, you can keep large sums of money along with your credit cards and valuable jewelry. If you have already used the money in your pocket, take some from your security pouch discreetly in a private place, such as in a restroom. You can wear your money belt under your clothing to hide it from thieves. Other security pouches also come in waterproof materials to keep your money and other valuables safe even if you go swimming or get soaked in the rain.

Use a fanny pack instead of a purse or tote

Fanny packs are safer compared to totes or purses. Fanny packs are less attractive to thieves than purses and totes. A fanny pack will come in handy when walking through the streets. Wear the pack in front of you so you can monitor it easily.

Keep some money in the hotel safe

Should you go shopping at the mall or have dinner at fine restaurants, considering leaving some of your money and other valuables inside the safe in your hotel room. Use your credit cards for the majority of your spending, and bring only a small amount of cash for immediate and minimal expenses like transportation.

List down contact numbers of banks and other important information

Not only the money in your pocket is at stake when traveling. Keep a list of your bank's phone numbers and your traveler's check numbers, since your credit cards and traveler's checks are also at a risk of loss or theft. This way, it will be easier for you report a lost credit card to your bank to prevent anyone from illegally withdrawing your money.

These practical tips can help you have a safer and more enjoyable trip. Regardless of whether you are on vacation or a business trip, these tips can help keep your plans together and reduce your worries.

by: danica

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