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subject: Work From Home Telemarketing - Start With a Qualified List by:Chris Burns [print this page]

Work From Home Telemarketing - Start With a Qualified List by:Chris Burns

If you've decided to embark on a career of home telemarketing, you should know even before you begin that there are a few important things that you can't do without. You need to have a pleasant disposition, a winning sales script, and a considerable amount of business acumen and marketing know-how in order to win over those prospects and turn them into sales. But the one thing that you absolutely must have in order to get ahead in the telemarketing industry is a qualified list of leads. Without this list, your foray into the work from home telemarketing career will be dead in the water even before you get started.

So what should you consider a qualified list? To begin with, a qualified list must have potential prospects that should be considered perfect in terms of conversion into sales. These prospects must be ready to buy when you call them, or even if they're not, they must at least have a decent amount of interest to listen to your sales pitch. Using a list that does not contain interested prospects would be as good as shooting yourself in the foot, because you would have wasted your resources - time and money (phone bills) - without generating any productivity.

You need to understand your primary target audience. Who are you trying to sell to? How should you pitch to this particular demographic? What would appeal to these people? Your leads list should have given you a major clue in answering all these questions in order for it to be considered a highly qualified list. If it doesn't help you answer all these questions, then you might find yourself facing a difficult task when you do start calling the people who are on the list.

Another consideration the list should address is the question of whether the people listed are the real decision makers in terms of purchasing whatever you're selling. If the majority of the people listed happen to have little to no say in the final decision of purchasing your product or service, then again your efforts would have proved fruitless. Having a list that puts you into contact with someone who's ready to buy, who happens to be the decision maker of a household, would put you on the path of a successful sale straightaway, rather than having to go through gatekeepers who might hinder your efforts of trying to get through to your potential sale.

These are just some of the considerations you will have to take note of before you even embark on your work from home telemarketing endeavors. Simply having the right business acumen, the perfect sales pitch, a chirpy temperament, and a pleasant voice isn't going to cut it if you're looking to succeed in this line. The list of prospects you have on hand can make or break your telemarketing career, so always ensure that you have a highly qualified, targeted list at your disposal. You can easily obtain such lists online; there are many companies out there that compile lists tailored to every possible marketing niche you can get into. Don't be afraid to invest in a qualified list, but be sure that it comes from a reputable company that has a good track record behind it.

About the author

Chris Burns is an authority on mailing list services providing valuable advice at where you can learn more about Business Mailing Lists. Visit to learn more about the services that he provides.

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