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subject: Buying Properties Under Foreclosure Can Be An Excellent Deal [print this page]

Properties that are subject to foreclosure are auctioned and you can get bargains by purchasing them. However, making a good deal out of a foreclosure needs some inside details and techniques that you need to learn. There are also some dangers that you need to take into account because there is always a bit of risk involved in these transactions. Being well informed will save you money and hassles.

When it comes to foreclosures there are different stages at which you can purchase a property: A property can be purchased before a foreclosure takes place. Also, during the court phase, the property can be purchased at the different public sales ordered by the judge. And finally, a property can be purchased from the bank or lending institution if no public sale was successful and the bank repossessed the property.

Prior To Foreclosure Negotiations

People tend to prefer to sell their properties rather than waiting for foreclosure. Though you wont be able to know for sure if the owner fears foreclosure, chances are that if he or she is in a hurry to sell the property a future foreclosure might be the reason. The only way to know for sure is to consult with a trusted real estate agent. Bear in mind that the real estate agent will try to sell for the highest price possible so as to get a bigger commission. Nevertheless if the property goes to foreclosure the real estate agent will also lose his deal and commission.

Foreclosure Public Sales Or Auctions

Depending on the propertys type, on the judge and on the jurisdiction, a property can be sold or auctioned when it reaches the court steps of a foreclosure. In any case, the property is usually offered at a significant lower price than the one it would sell on the real estate market. Thus, even though you need to be familiar with the process or count with the aid of a real estate lawyer, there is a lot of money to get through this kind of transactions.

Post Repossession Negotiations

Once a property is repossessed by a bank or lender due to the failure of all public sales or auctions, the property will probably be put for sale through a real estate agent for only a fraction of its price. The reason for this to happen is that such assets do not look good nor serve a purpose on a bank or lending institutions budget. Actually such assets are a source of expenditures rather than income that may further damage the investment.

Thus, the lender will be more than willing to get rid of the property and thus offer it with a great discount on the retail price. Moreover, you may also be able to obtain a mortgage loan from the bank or lending institution if you decide to acquire the property. However, even if you dont get approved for a loan from the same lending institution, there are other lenders that may approve you for a mortgage loan if you decide to purchase the property offered for sale by the other bank or lender.

by: Melissa Kellett

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