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subject: Three Kinds Of Insurance That You Should Have [print this page]

Three Kinds Of Insurance That You Should Have

There are three different kinds of insurance that you should consider, even if you are not required to have them and these are life insurance, e & o insurance and home and contents insurance. They are all very valuable in their own ways, and you would be wise to look into them as soon as you get a chance. The need for them changes a bit depending on your profession, but they are very good for most people to have, and all serve very different purposes.

Life insurance is good to have even if you are not old, because an accident could happen at any time. Life insurance will make sure that those you leave behind have some money and possessions to use while they try to adjust to a new life without you. This will not help their emotional state, but it will mean that they can get by in a world that requires a lot of money until they have gotten themselves back up on their feet in the wake of your passing.

E & o insurance covers errors and omissions, and is good for business professionals who could potentially make mistakes that would lead to the loss of financial wealth for another person. That person may then want to sue to get the money back based on the error that was made. Lawyers and real estate agents are two types of people who can really benefit from this type of insurance, since they could make small mistakes with very large financial impacts on other people. Having this insurance is a good idea even if you do not think that you will make a mistake, since an error is something that you can never predict, if everyone could predict them, they would never happen.

Home and Contents insurance is insurance that not only covers the building in which you live, the physical structure of the home, but also all of the things within it that really make the home unique. These are often sold together, so you can buy them both at once, as it is assumed that any problem large enough to destroy a home, a fire, a flood, a tornado, or any of the like, will also destroy the things within that home. You should make sure that you check when you buy, however, as you would not want to find out that you had home insurance and not contents insurance after a large disaster has occurred.

As can be seen, e & o insurance, life insurance, and home and contents insurance all have a separate place in a person's life. They are all of great importance, as unforeseen events can happen to anyone at any time.

by: Bob Roberts

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