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How to Get Free Traffic Online Lessons

How to Get Free Traffic Online Lessons

First let me introduce myself. My Name is Bernard St-Pierre. Some of you may know me as the Guru, Master or Whatever...

4 years ago I started dedicating myself to teaching average folks how to Get Traffic Online particularly in Traffic Exchanges where I am a Top Member in this field because without visitors, whatever business you are promoting, you'll need a customer base for it to be profitable especially in the long term.

I have many other fields of expertise including but not limited to Killer Ad Tactics, Color Psychology, SEO and the reason being that I have been playing around with a PC since 1977 day after day almost full time since teaching myself all these things!

But the point I want to make is that anyone can get 1 or 5 million visitors a month delivered to their website for Free including Yourself! Sure, you'll need to put yourself in learning phase for a few months to get everything to perfectly sink in. I have thousands of students who knew absolutely nothing about Traffic Exchanges or SEO and after a few years have had continued success and growth with their Home Business even in hard times.

I am not talking about earnings of $200 or $1000/month... more like $100,000 to $400,000/month! Thats right, Per Month folks!

But today I am not here to talk about earnings, Income and what not. Their just numbers and anyone can make them up. It's a common occurrence online if you are not aware, and some call it Photoshopping or PhotoChop or whatever...

Instead, I am here to try and educate a few of you. Please understand that All my knowledge cannot be exposed in a single page of text. I wrote an 8 Step by Step Method for that purpose. However , I will attempt to reach you and make a point.

I wasn't always a Guru of sorts. In fact, I wasn't born smarter than you, however I did have a passion in life which was that I loved learning things I wasn't aware of. Thats just how I was and still am today. I was never good at being bossed around at a Job even though I could and did make employee of the week as often as I wanted, but bottom line is I hated it! It wasn't what I wanted to do the rest of my life.

I needed it to be more challenging, and the fact of the matter is that I've always wanted to become a teacher even back as a teen. But in what field? My interest stopped on Marketing in early adulthood due to the many challenges and I hadn't done much of anything else since then. But most of all, I stuck to my dreams and Never Ever Quit! I was never in it Only for the Money for if I was, I would of Failed Big Time!

To Succeed, choose a field you like and if possible, one in which you already have some talent for. Forget the Money Aspect, Just do what you Love....and the Money will Follow. Dream Big Dreams. Be confident about yourself and your talented abilities. The Only person that can hold you back is Your Own Self! Failure must not be an Option! Take Action! Don't Stay on the sidelines hoping for a better life. Nothing ever came to me from hoping, I had to take real action but look... I took action because I loved what I was doing.

Take Care All,

Bernard St-Pierre __________________

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