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Where Do I Start As A Trader

So, what is the first step to change? How can we change our trading habits or any other habit we may have that we arent particularly fond of? What really makes successful traders, entrepreneurs, athletes, and other people successful? and what did they DO to get there? Well, if you look at many successful people, traders and so on, youll notice that most of them had one thing in common. They always had someone who they wanted to emulate. If you asked many successful people today about their stories of success, a lot of the time youll find that they were inspired by others who did the same thing. Heres a thought. Why do you think people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to open a franchise? Why would someone rather spend the money to open a Subway instead of creating their own sandwich stop which would probably cost less money? The reason is because all youre doing when you buy a franchise is REPLICATING success. They tell you exactly what to do from start to finish. What color the walls should be, to how big the store needsto be, location, times of operation, everything! You just follow their instructions and in doing so you have a pretty good idea based on demographics and such, how well you should do. The same goes for traders. If you want to be a successful trader, then your first step is to find someone who has achieved or is achieving what you WANT to achieve. If I want to have washboard abs, and big arms so I can walk on the beach with my shirt off, what am I most likely going to do? Im going to find someone or a group of people who ALREADY HAVE washboard abs and big arms and do exactly what they did. Im going to eat what they eat, Im going to run as much as they run, and Im going to do the necessary exercises in order to get there. Again, the same goes in Trading. Find someone who have achieved success in these markets, and find out how they started and what they did. A coupleof great books I recommend are called Market Wizards & New Market Wizards. In these books the author Jack D. Schwager talks to several traders (over 35) and asks them about their first trades and how they got to where they are now. They TELL you what they did! They dont talk about their systems really, but they do explain how important it is to stick with it. They talk about how focus and determination can get you anywhere you want to be. The important thing is that we have people who we can emulate, and that is a key factor to success. Did you know that Michael Jackson didnt even create the moonwalk? It was actually called the back-walk that he saw people in his neighborhood doing. He decided that he wanted to learn it and he had someone TEACH it to him. After practicing over and over and over, he got it RIGHT. Then during one night early in his career while singing Billy Jean, he showed the whole world what he called the moonwalk and ever since, people refer to it as that and most people think he created it. Again this example shows, that emulation is a key part of success. You too can be great at trading or anything else you want to do in life, but in my opinion the surest way to get there is to find someone who already is there, and find out what they did or are doing. Again I can give you many examples of emulation, but it has to come from within. Once youve done that, find people who are where you want to be and do what theyve done. Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it - Henry Ford

Where Do I Start As A Trader

By: Abdel Ibrahim

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