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subject: How Do You Know If You Are Eligible To Apply For An Australian Visa [print this page]

How Do You Know If You Are Eligible To Apply For An Australian Visa

Australian visa application can be very hard. For one, you will have to line up and wait for several hours just to get your papers to the processing counter. And if all goes for a bad turn, you might get rejected just because you are not eligible for the visa you are getting. Certainly, this won't be a good ending for all the effort you put into applying.

Thus, in order to avoid such a thing from happening, you should be aware of your eligibility for the visa you are applying. In fact, this the very first consideration you should always make even before you get a visa application form. Once you have checked your eligibility, then you can begin with the application process.

One thing that you should take note closely is that each visa type has its own set of eligibility requirements. Some of the requirements don't vary to much, however, you need to be very careful with them. The Australian embassy can be quite strict, even with minor details, so it would be better to be sure.

Another important thing about Australian visa eligibility is that it is solely based on the merits of your application. Thus, you need not worry about issues of gender, race or nationality when applying for a visa. However, there are some cases where some visa applicants will be prioritized more than others, such as those seeking asylum.
How Do You Know If You Are Eligible To Apply For An Australian Visa

The basic qualification for visa eligibility is that you are indeed a citizen, or at least a resident, of the country where you are filing your application from. Thus, in certain cases, even if you are currently living in another country, you will be required to return to your home country in order to file your application. In most instances, this often only requires to go back in order to file your application, but there are also cases where you actually need to reside in your home country again for some time.

However, the eligibility requirements that you really need to pay close attention to are those that are specific to the visa you are applying for. Some of these are nothing more than personal qualifications, while others will require you to get documents from various agencies. An example of the former is the 18-year old age limit for would be Australian working holiday visa holders. On the other hand, the latter includes the work order you need to secure for a job in the country.

There are many ways for you to know whether you are eligible for a visa. The easiest is to simply take an eligibility test online. There are many sites that offer this for free, all you have to do is answer a questionnaire and they will automatically give you the results. One thing that you need to note on this one though, is that the results might not be entirely accurate of your actual eligibility. Thus, you must look at this as mere a guideline. If you want a more accurate assessment, then you have to go for the one administered by the embassy.

by: Chester Cool

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