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subject: Little Britain – a posthumous review [print this page]

Little Britain a posthumous review

Having worked in an office in the EC4 area, I am faced with walking down a street called Little Britain' to the newsagents' everyday. And every day I am reminded of the travesty of this inexplicably popular series that set back humour 30 years or so.

I will admit now that SOME of the characters were genuinely inspired and quite funny, such as Vicki Pollard, Sebastian the PM's PA and Daffyd (the only gay in the village); but that's really about it.

Every other character is painfully unfunny, fuelled by irritating catchphrases and so poorly written I have to wonder if Walliams and Lucas were just taking the mick out of the viewers.

I never watched past series 2, so I have no idea what the new characters are like; I only expect that they recycled the shock humour over and over and pumped in more canned laughter than should legally be allowed.

I take particular umbrage with the characters Anne and Lou & Andy whilst many would say that it's funny that they are not actually handicapped, the audience is laughing at the condition as opposed to attitudes towards it.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I just cannot find ableism funny. I love my Blackfriars office space, but sometimes I wish they would just change the name of the street opposite. Sometimes I go around the street just to avoid the inevitable flock of Little Britain impersonations and catchphrases spouted by the gaggles of idiots that gather there.

I know it kept running for many more series, never reaching the dizzying heights of its initial broadcast maybe it got better, more forward-thinking and intelligent, but unfortunately it has been tarnished for me. Increasingly offensive and shocking images doth not a comedy make.

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