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subject: Making Sure Hr Suppliers Are Good Value For Money [print this page]

The recession has left its own legacy on the businesses of the UK and human resources departments. There is still a strong need for companies to keep costs to a minimum and this is now affecting human resources in particular. Budgets for all facets of HR including recruitment, employment law advice, training and even salaries are being scrutinised and cut. When choosing suppliers it is imperative that only those that offer the best value for money are chosen for services that are best outsourced. This way waste can be reduced and in some cases stopped completely.

As a human resources professional how can you ensure that the suppliers you select are the best ones for the job? HR departments are often the victims of a barrage of telemarketing calls from various suppliers offering human resources software, HR consultancy and health and safety training to name just some of the services offered. Flyers and leaflets arrive in their droves. Sifting through the calls and mailers and differentiating the good from the bad has become a large part of the job. Here are some tips to getting it right:

1. Think about what your goals are when selecting a particular supplier. Be clear about your expectations and list the essential and nice-to-have elements of their service that youd like to have.

2. Decide on your budget at the outset and dont deviate.

3. Choose a supplier in the same way you would choose a new employee. Have a clearly defined selection criteria, as well as questions to ask at the interview and a brief for their presentation. Case studies can also be of help when looking at whether a supplier fits with the culture of your company.

At NorthgateArinso we offer a range of services to human resources departments including HR consultancy and employment law advice.

by: Nick Campbell

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