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Spanish Hotels Stand Tall Against Tour Operator

Spanish hotels and paradores owners are continuing to stand tall in their fight against tour operator, Thomas Cook.

Spanish hotels and hoteliers from Greece and Portugal have been united in their discontent after Thomas Cook announced it would be shaving up to five per cent of bills owed to Spanish hotels bills.

These bills are for accommodation stays booked by the operator in Spanish hotels and those in Greece and Portugal during August and September 2010.

Now, the operator has responded to pressure from trade union groups and Spanish tourist officials by offering an added deal to hoteliers in an attempt to diffuse the row.

Rather than paying the five per cent it is currently withholding, it is promising to fill more rooms in Spain next year.

Meeting with Joan Mesquida, Spains minister for tourism and union officials in Madrid recently, Thomas Cook executives including Pete Constanti and chief executive Manny Fontenla-Novoa, announced these alternative plans for a deal.

Also in attendance at this crucial meeting were officials from The Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation Establishments (Cehat) which represents hotels, cafes and restaurants throughout Europe.

It is understood that this meeting was arranged to head off any legal action that had been issued by Cehat and hotel owners against Thomas Cook for refusing to pay five per cent of hotel rooms filled in August and September.

Speaking exclusively to TTG Live, Mr Fontenla-Novoa said that Thomas Cook had taken the decision to shave the bills after an extremely difficult trading year for the company.

He said: This was the toughest trading environment we have ever known.

We started to recover but then we had the election, the great weather, the World Cup- there was nowhere else to go.

The proposal to fill more hotel rooms next year is currently being considered by Cehat and other hoteliers. A decision will soon be made on how they wish to proceed.

by: Rick Dahne

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