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How To Make Videos: Review of Easy Video Player

Easy Video Player 2 (EVP) is a versatile piece of software that has been around for some time and the latest version 2.0 has some updates. Read on for a full review of this software product.

EVP is designed especially for the purpose of making it easy for anyone to host videos on Amazon servers. It is a very inexpensive way of hosting videos that allows the placing of opt in forms and buttons for Paypal. It also gives you the ability to place buy now prompts in strategic places in the video.

One of the benefits of EVP is that many people now prefer to view detail about products on video rather than having to read text. With EVP you can even send the viewer to any URL of your choice as the video fades to an end.

The great thing about EVP is that unlike most video software it gives you real assistance in helping you promote your merchandise in a manner that really increases the chance of a sale. It also is of real help in generating more leads for your marketing.

One limitation with EVP is that you will have to use the formats that EVP will support. There is no capability for supporting WMV files, for example. However, there are a series of free conversion programs available online that can be used to change your WMV files to MOV files which can be supported by EVP.

Statistical information is included in the EVP deal and instructions on how to interpret that information is viewable from the admin panel of EVP. This includes access to very useful information on various pie charts and other types of viewable statistics.

These extras allow you to do very worthwhile things such as tracking the number of people viewing the promotional video and the number watching the video in its entirety. This will help you decide how long you should make your videos without causing the viewer to lose interest.

Even more importantly, the EVP video will give you information allowing you to track all conversions and sales that take place because of each video. The great advantage EVP has over just relying on YouTube is that you simply cannot track any statistics when using YouTube videos.

I have studied Easy Video Player 2 very closely and regard it as a good value for money product. It comes with a 60 day full money back guarantee and is priced at US$154.36.

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