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Free Online Obituary Departed N Gone

Free Online Obituary Departed N Gone

You might have noticed that there are a growing number of online obituary sites.Simplicity,isone word that describesDeparted NGone from all other free online obituary websites. For example: there's no registration required, however, the site is closely monitored 24 hours around the clock. Please keep your postings and condolence civil and to the point. Any inappropriate postings will be deleted.The site is all around user-friendly (no pop-ups), for posting pictures and stories of departed loved ones and postings of death due to any cause including auto accidents, dog attack, domestic violence, druck driving, street racing and natural causes. The site also allows you to ask for help to solve murders and hit & runs.

Departed N Gone Day. Starting January 3, 2011, at exactly 12:15 p.m. your time, we ask that you pause a moment, count to 3, (one, two, three)and say "To those of you who have departed and gone, we salute you". From this day forward, we declare Departed N Gone Day every January 3rd at 12:15 p.m.

The Website. Our mission is to provide a channel or outreach website designed for people to upload photos and testimonials of those who have Departed N Gone. The purpose of the website is to promote a sense of remembrance for those who aren't with us anymore and it is another way that people may be more comfortable reaching out to bring closure. This site also allows friends and family to submit condolences.

The only website on the internet, dedicated to those who are no longer with us. Where anybody can post information, pictures and stories of those who have died. Submissions here, will be kept on this website, and will be added to the ever growing database.

Departed N Gone is proud to provide a free service to the community. This site will be online long after you and I have departed and gone. We here at Departed NGone are truly sorry for your loss.

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