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subject: 100 Ways To Save Money [print this page]

However much we earn, we would all like to save some money somewhere along the track. But saving can be a bit like dieting, if you have to do without the things you love you are soon going to get bored with it and give up and overindulge.

After giving up my job to concentrate on writing, of course I found myself a bit strapped for cash, so I had to come up with 100 ideas where I could save some money in everyday things without really noticing it too much. I decided to make this my new project.

For somebody needing to earn some money, maybe this wasnt one of my best ideas, but I am commited, so I started searching, asking my friends, signing up for forums for other peoples ideas.

Must say some werent the best, my least favourite was, to wash out your cling film and reuse it everyday on your sandwiches, Ok, so I could easily make up 100 ways of saving money if they consisted of washing out my cling film, but I wanted to write something realistic, not be mean or miserly.

I started with myself. My husband and I (starting to sound like the Queen), go for coffee everyday, a skinny half strength flat white in a mug, for me, and a decaf flat white in a mug for hubby, because caffeinated coffee sends his blood pressure up! Thats a different story.

Our coffees come to $10.50 per day. That is $3,832.50 a year on coffee alone, somedays we might have two, or on my non dieting days we might also have a cake. Wow, I started thinking, Im going to be rich by the end of the year, but this is all about not doing without completely, so I decided going for a coffee every other day wouldnt be too bad, in fact it would probably be quite good for my health in the long run too, seeing as I have two if not three sugars in each coffee! Now, just by going for a coffee every other day I would save $1,916.25, what could I do with that money alone.

I finally got to the hundred mark, sorry you are going to have to read my book to find out the other 99. For some stupid reason I have decided to write Book 2 another 100 Ways to Save Money, I am still not lowering myself to use the cling film idea, so if any of you have any good ideas, I would love to hear from you.

by: Debbie Fraser

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