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Is Your Child Safe?

Is Your Child Safe?
Is Your Child Safe?

In England, car seats for children are law, and parents who don't use the seats risk prosecution from the police. But a recent study has shown that backless car booster seats do not protect the child enough in the event of a car accident. Impact tests have shown that when a car is hit from the side, the backless seat will not provide enough cushioning, and the child is at risk of having their head and back smashed against the side of the car. This comes as a shock to parents, who in recent years have steered away from the full booster seat in favour of a smaller one, to offer more comfort to their child when riding in the car. They also make the child feel more grown up, and are far more comfortable during long journeys.

Which? Is calling for a ban on the backless booster seat, as they feel it puts far too much pressure on the child and puts them at serious risk. One in four car accidents happens from the side, so the independent surveyors are calling on companies to discontinue the models, and are campaigning with consumer groups across the European union to have them banned.

The company stressed that the seat does meet minimum safety standards, and are better than nothing, but are not adequate. Over 300 children are seriously injured in the UK as a result of car accidents, and the company is lobbying to get this figure greatly reduced.

Make sure that you have valid Car Insurance when you travel, as this is a legal requirement.

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