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Debt Payment Plans A Realistic Plan To Get Out Of Debt

Debt payment plans are a way of consolidating your debts into an affordable monthly payment. They are generally known as debt management plans, and are a widespread and successful way of tackling debt in the US and in the UK. In this article I want to explain how debt payment plans work and point out a few things you need to be aware of if you are interested in finding a company to provide such a plan for you.

Debt payment plans or programs are so called because they provide a structured plan where you make fixed payments toward paying off your debts. When you ask a debt management company to set up a payment plan for you, they approach all of your creditors and negotiate new deals on your behalf. This generally involves getting agreement to amend the repayment terms and reduce your interest or penalty charges. This stops your debt from growing any further and brings it back to a level at which you can pay if off.

The debt management company will do this for each of your creditors in turn, with the end result of the process being that you then stop paying money directly to your creditors and just make one payment each month to the debt management company instead. They then share this out among your creditors, who should no longer come chasing you for money that you owe. The benefits are fairly obvious in that you only have one payment to think about, the payment is for an amount that you can afford, and you no longer have to put up with being hassled by your creditors. There is an advantage for your creditors too, as they do eventually get back all of the money you owe them.

It is worth understanding the differences between this type of debt management plan and other types of debt plans where you make a fixed monthly payment. There are a lot of terms for debt plans which are sometimes used as if they all meant the same thing, when in fact there are two distinct types. The terms debt settlement or debt negotiation refer to a different process, though they do still involve using a company to negotiate on your behalf, with the result that you make one fixed monthly payment.

Debt settlement is really for very serious debt where you could not afford to keep up with the payment required on a debt management plan. This other process involves seeking to reach agreements with each creditor to write off large parts of the money they are owed in exchange for an up front settlement of a reduced amount. The equivalent to debt settlement in the UK is an individual voluntary arrangement, commonly known as an IVA.

Debt payment plan are normally only suitable for people whose situation meets certain criteria. Typically, you will have a considerable amount of debt to two or more creditors, be struggling to keep up with payments and have a source of income that will leave you enough spare to make regular payments each month. Debt payment plans can only be used to deal with unsecured debts, so things like credit cards, store cards and personal loans are fine, but not secured debts such as a mortgage.

If you think a debt plan could be the right solution for you, the first step is to approach a debt management company to see what they can offer you. With the aid of the internet, this is now a very simple and fast process. However, you need to take care to use only the best companies, as there are many in operation who will suggest debt plans that will include large fees for them, rather than offering you a solution which is right for your personal circumstances.

It is easy to avoid the bad experience of using a disreputable debt management company by taking some simple precautions. Start by following recommendations for only well established and ethical companies, who have a history of providing debt payment plans that do help people to get out of debt successfully. When you have identified a few companies, apply online to at least two of them so that you can compare the offers and proposals they make. This will allow you to not only find the best deal for you, but make a judgement about who you feel most comfortable dealing with.

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