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Online Gaming is better than T.V – or so the advertisers suggest

Online Gaming is better than T.V or so the advertisers suggest

Avid World Wide Web users are amongst the first to whiteness, mould and define the progression in online gaming and the web as a whole, coupled with those solid, established game developers (with their ears to the ground) producing free games to cater for the new influx of online gamers choosing this medium as their preferred 'time killing' measure, we now see developers producing niche, targeted and tailored value adding content for their websites. No more shall television take prominence in the contemporary home, avast the humble home PC, laptop or current spin such as iPad or other tablet PC's are fast becoming the centre of the modern living room and the lives floating through.

More and more people are turning to the internet as a source of entertainment and fun, moreover these people are choosing online free games as their prime method of curing boredom, breaking trends and aspiring to something different. As an all in one entertainment system, the World Wide Web offers users multiple solutions to entertainment needs at the touch of a button, click or tap; it is easy to see why people are converting and evolving with the internet as their preferred entertainment vehicle, now with piped internet access costing less than that of the UK television licence per year the fading heart beat of the Friday night prime time spot is fast disappearing.

Programs are being shown at anytime, anywhere, any interface, over youtube, four-od, iplayer and so on, television is fast becoming obsolete. Online and in turn online free games are fast becoming the second choice for boredom, with advertisers now spending more on online promotion than ever before, the online gaming industry present them with the ideal platform for delivery. Gaming, unlike other niches encompasses a vast community and user generated interest as these virtual worlds soon begin to define the users they emulate and promenade data to those looking to take note. Taking the example of Dress Up Games advertisers can begin to understand the choice of the users involved, in part, seeking to align and circumvent users into fashion trends, furthermore seeking to discover the mentality of the potential market, shedding light into user intent and buying cycle dependant prerogatives.

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