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subject: Phases Of Natural Child Birth - Basics Every Woman Needs To Know Before Getting Pregnant [print this page]

Phases Of Natural Child Birth - Basics Every Woman Needs To Know Before Getting Pregnant

Before the birth begins, it is possible from time to time for you to feel a pressure on the uterus, painless contractions actually, called Braxton-Hicks. These contractions prepare the uterus for the hard work of natural child birth. The cervix becomes softer in preparation for the process of expansion (stretching) during birth.

1. The first phase of the natural child birth

As the birth progresses, contractions become increasingly intense, with a longer duration and will occur at smaller intervals. The cervix will start to expand now.

If the child is in a posterior position (with his neck your in the opposite way of you back) situation which occur of 1 from 4 births, you may feel a pain or a strong pressure to your back and it may not disappear entirely between contractions. As the cervix opens you will see more mucus and blood. We need to stop walking during contractions.
Phases Of Natural Child Birth - Basics Every Woman Needs To Know Before Getting Pregnant

Phase transition

As the cervix reaches full dilatation, contractions will have a frequency of one every few minutes. Because the fetus begins to move down in the pelvis, positions which were comfortable, now no longer are. You may have symptoms of vomiting, chills, or sweats. All these are hard to bear, but will communicate one thing: the natural child birth is approaching.

The transition, although intense, is usually the shortest part of labor.

2.The phase two of the natural child birth

When following contractions from the phase transition, the cervix which was fully open, most women have a strong desire to push the baby out. You will be encouraged to push every contraction and to breath while pushing. Natural tendency is to keep you breathing, but this simply will dissipate your energy. Try to relax between contractions.

If the membranes were not broken before, it will break in this phase. Perhaps you need a small cut in the vaginal mucosa, in order to avoid spontaneous ruptures of the tissues.

When the child is about to be born, his head can be seen at the vaginal opening. You will probably be asked to push when the head is guided toward the exit. The baby's head will rotate so that one shoulder is released and then the other. The body comes easy, and the umbilical cord is cut.

3. The phase three of the natural child birth

This phase begins after the child was born and ends with the complete elimination of the placenta. It is the shortest stage. Generally take no longer than half an hour.

After childbirth, you may receive an injection of oxytocin or oxytocin and ergometrine. These substances help the uterus to contract efficiently and to remove the placenta after childbirth.

Phases Of Natural Child Birth - Basics Every Woman Needs To Know Before Getting Pregnant

By: Shirley M. Duran

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