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Korg Wavedrum Review

Every once in a while a musical product comes along that changes the way you play and inspires you with new and exciting ideas. The Korg Wavedrum, without exception delivers in this category. It is important to view the Korg Wavedrum as its own instrument. This is really a self contained percussion instrument and has enough functionality to stand on its own.The Korg Wavedrum delivers sounds that, at times, seem they are from another dimension and keep you entertained for hours on end. Its hard to wipe the smile off your face when you begin playing the Wavedrum. When you first play this instrument take the time go through the preset sounds and explore the dynamic capabilities. It is virtually impossible to not come away impressed. The authenticity of the Wavedrum's preset sounds are astounding. There is a slew of standard percussion instruments as well as some rare ones.

The creative boundlessness of the Wavedrum really comes alive when you begin to edit the individual algorithms. The programming options for the Wavedrum are vast to say the least. In order to fully harness the editing capabilities of the Wavderum it is worth consulting the manual. By learning the value of what you are adjusting you will be able to better recreate any sounds you have in mind. One of my favorite presets is the Korg Wavedrum's amazing Tabla sounds. The Tabla algorithm authentically recreates the two drums of Indian music. The Tabla and the Baya. The Wavedrum's Tabla sound is created by using the fingers to mute one area of the head while another area of the Wavedrum's head is struck. The characteristic of the Baya is produced by using your wrist to apply pressure to the head while your fingers stroke the head. This should give you some insight into just how dynamic and sensitive the Wavedrum is. It is really amazing how closely the Wavedrum mimics the action of real Tabla.

Within the Tabla algorithm the following parameters can be edited, allowing the user full customization: common, head calibration, rim calibration, Baya pitch, Baya level, Baya decay, bend curve, damping, shell pitch, shell damping and shell decay. As you can see the sound possibilities with this one algorithm alone are enormous.

Lets take a look at the positives and negatives of the Korg Wavedrum:


- It is all about the sonic capabilities of the Korg Wavedrum. Simply a mind blowing array of sound possibilities.

- 13" diameter

- 5 Bolt head in which tension can be adjusted

- The playing feel of the Korg Wavedrum is truly amazing. Does not feel like an edrum.

- The sensitivity of the Wavedrum is actually unbelievable. It truly captures every stroke as a real drum would. The Wavedrum is super dynamic and accurate.

- 100 loop phrases that you can play along with. (very fun!)

- The Korg Wavedrum's new price tag is way more enticing than the previous model.

- Holds 200 Patches (100 User and 100 Factory Sounds)

- You can play the Korg Wavedrum's head and rim area.

- Great for rhythmically inclined musicians as well as drummers. The Korg Wavedrum can be easily implemented and enjoyed by pros and amateurs. Also, the Wavedrum is a great tool for other instrumentalist for adding color to their recordings.

- Wide range of parameters for adjusting and creating your own unique sounds.

- The Korg Wavedrum is extremely easy to carry and transport weighing only 4.4 lbs.


- There is a bit of a learning curve when creating your own unique sounds. Not of the charts difficult, but you will have to consult the manual for some functions.

- The Korg Wavedrum manual can get almost a little too detailed. I think the majority of users will more or less stumble upon there own unique favorite sounds as opposed to scientifically arriving there. Nevertheless, all the info is there if you want to delve that deeply.

- No MIDI , Perhaps the Korg Wavedrum team wanted to emphasize that this is a stand alone instrument and not a trigger.

In Summary, The Korg Wavedrum is an instrument that can be beneficial to a wide range of musicians. If you have any sense of rhythm at all, it would be difficult for you not to enjoy yourself immensely. You can really take the Wavedrum as far as you want to. If you are a more casual user and want to just use the preset instrument emulations you will love this instrument. However, if you are more inclined to create your own sounds that have never been heard before, the Korg Wavedrum is perfect for you.

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