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Money Lessons From the Strangest Places
Money Lessons From the Strangest Places

While flipping through a few programs recently, I began to notice a common theme popping up again and again. In one show, a lead character had amassed untold thousands in credit-card debt and was having difficulty discussing this with her partner. In another show, one of the characters received a large cash prize and, when asked if they were going to make a contribution to their 401(k), the character simply said, "Oh yeah, I guess I should get one of those, you think?"

Now, it may just be a coincidence, but with the holiday season just around the corner, I think that there may be something we can actually learn while still enjoying our favorite shows.

You see, money matters are one of the topics that people seem to rarely discuss around the dinner table. Sure, everyone may fantasize about their first purchase after winning the lottery. But, when it comes to managing money properly and considering savings for the future, these things seem to go left unsaid.

Now, I'm not saying that no one talks about these issues. I'm certain there are plenty of families who are setting the right example for their children.

Take, for instance, a lesson that a colleague of mine taught his child after they returned home with their Halloween loot bags. After they finished trick-or-treating, the father and child went home and sorted the candy, and then the father purchased the entire haul from the child. The child was then able to use the money to buy back the candy, with imposed daily spending limits.

To make the scenario even more like real life, the child's buying power increases over time. Much like many retailers discount items over time, the candy will also depreciate and, after a few days, the child's money will go just a little further with each purchase.

Now, this may sound rather elaborate, but when you consider that this child will be learning how to manage a small amount of money over a few weeks' time, then this could be well worth the time and effort.

Whether we are learning from the misfortunes of a sitcom character or spreading our knowledge to younger generations, money management is an important topic that should never be ignored.

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