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Teaching Children How To Play Pool

There are many ways to spend quality time with your kids. One way is to teach your children how to play pool.

Like many sports, shooting pool takes practice, vision, and patience to learn. Teaching your child how to shoot pool teaches them lots of valuable lessons.

You will be teaching them to how to aim, how to concentrate, and how to focus on a goal. These abilities and skills will help them in playing pool but will also help them while learning and experiencing new things in the future.

It will help them be able to be better at learning other relevant games and study subjects, while having fun and bonding with you. In order to teach a child to play pool you must know the basic concept.

The basic concept of shooting pool begins with a set of balls, consisting of striped colors and solid colors placed in a triangular rack. The balls are all numbered from 1-15.

In order to set up the game, you must place the number one ball, which is a solid ball, at the top of the rack. Then continue to place the rest of the balls in the rack alternating with solid and striped balls.

Remember that the eight ball sits directly in the center of the rack. Once all the balls are placed in the wooden rack, the rack is lifted away leaving only the balls in a triangular formation.

At the start of the game, the white ball should be hit to break the balls apart. The first player, uses a cue stick to hit the white cue ball towards the top ball of the triangle, which should be the solid yellow ball.

If the first player did not make the balls in, then the next player can shoot any type of ball into any of the pockets they choose. This cycle continues until someone gets the first ball in.

Whoever gets a ball first becomes that type of ball, either stripes or solids. For example, if the first player pockets a solid they will continue to shoot in solids the entire game.

The object of the game is to pocket all your balls and then to pocket the eight ball. The player who successfully pockets the eight ball first wins the game.

Depending on their age, children will understand things differently. Here are some tips to help you teach different ages of children to play pool.

Access to a pool table is key.

If you own a pool table you will be better able to teach your children through all the stages, giving them new skills and opportunities.

Preschool age children are still at the very basics of understanding. The best way to teach them is to allow them to be a solid and you to be stripes and see who shoots their balls in first. They need to start out very basic at this young age.

Children who are in grades K-3rd will understand pool on a higher level. Once children get to this age group you can introduce them to the rules of straight 8-ball pool, including the set-up of the balls, the breaking rules, and the rules for shooting balls in.

Teach them that the importance of making a shot is taking your time and slowly following through with each shot you make. When you are about to make your shot, aim from the top of your stick to see the white ball and the ball you are shooting.

It takes time to get your stroke down for the various shots on the table. As you do this, they will learn that practice makes perfect.

You can also teach them how to hold their cue stick properly. Teach the child that the stick should lay gently against your right side as you are shooting. You should be forward and leaned into your shot.

Once the child reaches the age group where they are grades 4th-6th they will have the rules, set-up and concept of the straight eight ball game down. Your child may now enjoy a little variety and you can introduce your child to a few other pool table games.

You can teach them how to play a game called 9-Ball. Nine ball is played with the same rules of eight ball, but the play is made from shooting the balls into the pockets in numerical order.

You shoot the one first, then the second, and so on. Your turn continues until you don't hit the next ball in or hit another ball in after first hitting the ball that is assigned to that turn.

In nine ball, a game can be won early if the target ball is hit onto the 9-ball and pocketed with a combination shot.

As you teach a child to play pool be sure to take into consideration their age. Change the game to fit their learning level.

As they grow, you can make the game more advanced. With this style of learning you will both have a great time as you play pool together.

by: Tom Selwick

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