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Where The Youth Spend Their Summer Days

Backpackers in Europe have a current slang, kaput, which means pooped or defunct. Say your daughter went away for Europe with only a backpack, do not fret. Bank on the backpacker travel insurance, which you can always get.

In the US, this insurance policy is more widespread. A usual scene in European cities is girls who are on their backpacking trip. Mostly those that are also on their own backpacking trips observe these girls wondering the cities.

The backpack has been evolving for quiet a few years in Europe. Trying to come up with numbers pertaining to backpackers is not easy.

There was a rise in the young people traveling to Europe this summer than last summer. Clarifying the number of backpackers is as obscure as what their destination is. One prominent outlet on the East Coast reports a 100 per cent increase this year in the number of packs sold specifically for people going to Europe.
Where The Youth Spend Their Summer Days

Whether this summer's youth is carrying a backpack, rucksack, sac a dos, zaino, or mochila, his credo is to hang loose. Unluckily, you find yourself in Copenhagen dealing with an overflowing tent and a wet sleeping bag. Fret not, act like nothing happened and head on down to Amsterdam.

An American guidebook points out this lack of seriousness. In this book, backpacking situations for each country are written down, even cluing readers into ripping the important pages of the book. Pages can also consume space, space that a traveler may need for more important things he can not live without.

A common story is that of a couple from Canada who, on their first day over, mailed home 14 pounds of clothes. Stitched on the Canadian's bags is their every recognizable national flag.

To them, it is not flattering to be noted as an American. By contrast, almost no American flags are sewn on packs although a circular peach emblem superimposed on a background of stars and stripes crops up now and then.

Fleeing from American nationalism is not easy as many constant reminders can be seen everywhere. If symbolizing the mode the youth travels is a backpack, then jeans are certainly considered their outfit. Whatever the occasion there is always a pair of jeans suited for it.

Few backpackers move in groups, most often they travel in twos but that's also flexible. Pick up someone here, split off there, move sometimes, stay put at others. Very few backpackers are hard core drifters.

They're always going to the post office and sending letters home. Some words of wisdom though, it is not a bad thing to avail of travel insurance when you are on an impulsive trip, it might just keep you for spending more in the end.

by: John Chambers

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