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Childhood Constipation - Knowing The Factors And Remedies

Childhood Constipation - Knowing The Factors And Remedies

It is quite common for kids to have constipation. In most cases, the causes are inadequate intake of fluids, insufficient fiber, and too much consumption of constipating foods like milk, cheese, bananas and many more.

Symptoms of Constipation in Children

Quite often, kids with constipation might have either have large hard stools or hard pellet like stools. Children may additionally have infrequent and painful bowel movements. They may also experience cramping abdominal pain along with having pain whenever they pass a bowel movement.
Childhood Constipation - Knowing The Factors And Remedies

Child Constipation and How To Diagnose

In most cases, children are identified as having constipation after a very careful history and physical exam however it is not usually necessary to have further testing.

It is critical to give careful attention to kids who have had severe constipation from birth, especially if they did not pass meconium stools until 2-3 days after they were born as these children might have Hirshsprung's disease.

Constipation Treatment In Children

Typically, treatments for child constipation includes colon cleanse, stool softeners and altering child's diet to less constipating foods and integrating more fiber and fluids.

Apples, prune juice and soy milk for older children are good choices of fluids. Always read food labels as this will help you get foods high in fiber.

Here's what you should know about constipation:

If a child is having soft bowel movements, then she's not constipated, even when she doesn't have one each day.

Usually there are some children with severe constipation who've already been toilet trained that develops reflexive withholding of stool which in turn may cause them to leak stool into their undergarments known as the involuntary fecal soiling or encopresis.

In contrast to laxatives, colon cleansers and stool softeners aren't normally addictive and can be given when needed. Most likely, parents make a common error of stopping the use of stool softeners when a child begins to have soft bowel movements because this could cause the child to develop constipation again before long.

The utilization of stool softeners is appropriate for 4-6 months however it should be reduced to avoid reoccurrences.

Laxatives shouldn't be commonly used to assist your child have bowel movement.

Apart from change in diet and stool softeners, children may need colon cleanse. Colon cleanse is safe for children especially when they have serious constipation.

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