subject: Paraguay (country Regulation Overview) --- Aarkstore Enterprise [print this page] While the privatization of fixed telephony markets started in the 1980s in Argentina and the 1990s in Brazil and Mexico, the fixed telephony market in Paraguay is still a state monopoly. Given that Paraguay hasnt had infrastructure-based competition and investment in the sector is low, this should be a key priority for regulator CONATEL and the government. Until then, fixed telephony and broadband penetration rates are likely to remain among the lowest in the region.
Promisingly, in the second half of 2011, CONATEL expects to have finalized its National Telecommunications Plan 20112015, which aims to promote the rollout of telecoms infrastructure and ubiquitous service for consumers. In doing so, Paraguay joins a group of other South & Central American countries that have been launching strategies to promote competition, job creation, and social inclusion.
The story in the mobile market is quite different, and is one of high levels of competition and widespread infrastructure investment in mobile networks. It is clear that this has been the area towards which the regulator has directed its attention.
Paraguay is one of the few countries in the world to impose SMS termination regulated caps, and it also has lower mobile termination rates (MTRs) than Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Peru. In 2010 CONATEL has taken steps towards freeing up the 700MHz band and designating services in the 2.6GHz band, which will make more spectrum available for mobile broadband.
While progress in mobile has been strong, there are missing elements which the regulator shouldnt lose track of such as the introduction of number portability.
Table of Contents :
Ovum view
Fixed market overview
Broadband market overview
Multi-play: dual, triple, and quad players
Mobile market overview
National regulatory authority
Key legislation and regulation
National Telecommunications Plan
Wireless licensing
3G licenses
Amendments to the National Spectrum Frequency Plan
The 2.6GHz (25002690MHz) band
The 700MHz (698806MHz) band
Retail regulation
The retail market
Cost model for retail tariffs
Number portability
Quality of service
Wholesale fixed regulation
Services subject to regulation
Narrowband voice interconnection
Cost model for RIO
Interconnection regulation
Wholesale access
Local loop unbundling
Wholesale mobile regulation
Services subject to regulation
Mobile number portability (MNP)
Mobile termination charges
SMS termination
Wireless local loop
Competition cases
Current cases
Universal service obligation
The Universal Service Fund
List of Tables
Table 1: Paraguay MNOs allocated frequencies and market position
Table 2: Spectrum packaging in Paraguay as per Resolution 38/2010
Table 3: 2.6GHz band designation and packaging in Paraguay
Table 4: Paraguays basic services subgroups for retail tariff regulation
Table 5: Fixed sector: services subject to regulation
Table 6: Mobile sector: services subject to regulation
Table 7: Subsidies dedicated to the promotion of telephony in Paraguays north region
List of Figures
Figure 1: Fixed-line penetration in Paraguay (200409)