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subject: Online Retail Summertime Blues:Is There A Cure? [print this page]

Online Retail Summertime Blues:Is There A Cure?

Online Retail Summertime Blues:Is There A Cure?

There ain't no cure for the summertime retail blues....or is there? Historically, retailers dread the summer as far as sales are concerned. Some even close shop for long periods of time. I remember one brick and mortar store that closed the entire summer. People just don't want to go out in the sweltering heat.

One might think that would be an advantage to the online retailer and in many ways it is, if he/she wants it to be. People are still people and we are creatures of habit so we tend to sock away extra funds to start buying in September through early December for holiday gifts.

There are ways an online retailer can help him or herself as well as clients by keeping up with trends.

One might have to live on Mars to know that the economy is suffering; and, even then chances are the news has saturated other planets. Face it folks, it's rough.

But people still will buy gifts and collectibles. What can a retailer do to fill that void. My stores decided to drop most of its items that retail for over $25 and focus more on items that run from the $.99 to $15 range. Yes we still cater to those who prefer the more expensive gifts, but our cartoon postcards, buttons, magnets, and basic tees are shipped worldwide daily. The economy has affected everyone everywhere, but, if the retailer listens to what the customer wants, the customer will buy.

With millions of online retail stores on the Internet, how does one become a squeaky wheel? There are lots of ways to do so. I am doing one now by writing an article. But one can't just write an article and "they will come". The article has to offer at least a few pieces of information of value to both the retailer and client.

Many simply focus on Twitter, "talk" to "friends" and feel that does the trick. Same with facebook. Both couldn't be further from the truth. Backlinks are what drives people to ones site, and they can, in fact be found on Twitter and facebook, if the member places them there, but also in articles and article directories, blogs and blog directories, social bookmarking sites, pinging their blogs, and a multitude of other proven techniques that put the social marketer head and heals above the

basic Twitterer or facebook fanatic. I am not putting down those social networks. I use them and do so successfully. I have just come to know they are not "magic" and if one puts all his/her eggs in their baskets, they end up branding Twitter and Facebook more than they do themselves.

Some still use ppc (pay per click) advertising such as Google Adwords, MSN Search etc. They can be very effective, and I used to use them, but with all the free opportunities to use backlinks to ones shop, and even more specifically to a particular product, and even a place for keyword tags, I see paid ads as becoming somewhat outdated. I could be wrong; but I'd prefer to write an article or a blog with a backlink. Google, MSN and other search engines "Love" backlinks. A lot feel when I post backlinks to products or stores on Twitter or facebook it is to "get an occasional bite right then and there". That is a true rarity but it occasionally happens. What happens more often is that within a few days it leaks onto Google and MSN and someone clicks on the backlink from there. It is free, and is another expense I don't have (advertising) giving me yet another reason to keep the prices lower to the end buyer.

If all this sounds like jibberish to you, not to worry. It did to me too before I went back to college in my late forties. Even after I learned it, I barely believed it worked. But putting it into action, I know it works. Four of my eight websites are number one in their category on Google and MSN and have been since 2005.

If you are sure you cannot do your SEO campaign or simply don't have the time, my advice is to find a professionally trained SEO and/or web design firm, with references you can contact, and at prices that won't break the bank. It will be the best investment you ever make for your store.

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