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subject: How to Get Free Web Traffic For Your Online Sites [print this page]

How to Get Free Web Traffic For Your Online Sites

How to Get Free Web Traffic For Your Online Sites

1. Decide the keywords for the content of your site: It is important that you know the kind of keywords that would be generally used by visitors in the search engines for finding a particular site and also the kind of keywords or phrases that are most likely to show your site in the first page of the search engine results. This understanding will definitely help the site owner in exposing his site more in the internet world.

2. Use the keywords intelligently: Having identified the keywords is just the first stage. The next important stage is the understanding of how to use those keywords in the site or the content of the site. Keywords should be used in relevant and appropriate places in the site and also must be ensured that they are spread throughout the article and also at the same time do not affect or distort the theme or the subject of the content. This would contribute greatly in creating free web traffic for your sites.

3. Create unique site names: Create site names which are unique and are also very distantly similar to the ones available on the internet. Create titles which are related to the content on your site and are not completely the opposite of what your site is trying to convey. Do not create funny or humorous titles as that would create a very bad impression on the visitor and he would not take you and your site seriously which would ultimately result in very few visitor clicks on your site in the future.

4. Make your content the USP of your site: At the end of the day, it is the content that counts and ensures frequent visits to your sites for a longer period of time. Make sure that your content is not only keyword-enriched but it is also clear of plagiarism and duplication. There should be no fluffing of words and must not also have different topics covered in one page. It must be unique and engaging enough to ensure that the visitor is very impressed by the content and also recommends and tells other online site visitors the uniqueness of your site which would ultimately result in free web traffic for your site.

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