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Child Safety is Everyone's Responsibility

Child Safety is Everyone's Responsibility

Owning and operating a dollar store includes many varied activities and duties. They range from head cashier to receiving clerk to chief buyer and more. Some of the activities fall clearly within the scope of owning and operating a dollar store while others seem to be outside the normal defined description. One responsibility that many would think does not fall under the umbrella of shop owner is child safety; specifically stepping in and making sure parents properly manage their children while in your store. Yet the risk of a child being injured if you do not step in is too great. You cannot simply stand by and watch as a child is needlessly injured.

In this article I cover child safety. It is everyone's responsibility; even the owner of a dollar store. This is a great topic to discuss with your attorney. We will examine 3 accidents waiting to happen. We will also cover methods of maintaining a safe shopping environment in your store.

* Running in store

Running children are a hazard not only to themselves, but also to other shoppers. Your store is filled with trip hazards, sharp corners and of course children often lose track of their surroundings when they run and play.

* Standing in shopping carts

Most shopping carts are somewhat stable. Yet some children will stand in the seat to reach for merchandise, or as they are trying to 'escape' from the cart. When that happens the cart becomes top-heavy and can tip. Children are also in a precarious position where a fall may easily occur.

* Climbing on displays

Brightly colored displays, packaging and signs are like a magnet to some children. However many are very unstable, and just as children are at risk for falls when they stand in shopping carts, so too are they as they climb ever-higher on store fixtures and displays.

Those owning and operating a dollar store should post a polite, yet pointed sign regarding children being with parents at all times for safety. So what can the owner of a store do when a child is in danger of being hurt? Start by showing your presence. Often the child will scurry back to their parent just by seeing you or another store employee are there watching. If that doesn't work a quick word to the child asking them not to run or climb will often do the trick. That is especially true when the parent can overhear you polite concern. If that doesn't do the trick move on to share your concern for safety and request that the parent put a halt to the behavior. Finally, if there is great risk and nothing is done your choice is to either ask the family to leave - or to hope nothing serious happens.

To your success owning and operating a dollar store!

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