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Best shoes spring 2010

Best shoes spring 2010

Spring - a great time to talk about the beautiful half of humanity - women! What could be nicer than to be able to bring a favorite best footwear that meets the latest fashion trends And what are the trends for spring - summer 2010? Let's try to figure it out.

Held a series of impressions of new spring - summer collections revealed the following fashion trends:

Best shoes spring 2010 should emphasize the femininity of his mistress and her personality. Review the products offered by Bruno Frisoni, Mary Norton, Sergio Rossi, Max Kibardin and you will understand that is the best spring shoes;
Best shoes spring 2010

Hit of the season - high heel! It does not matter - it is narrow or wide. Importantly - high;

Shoes 2010 has the right to show the full palette of colors (one side of a Nicholas Kirkwood, dominated by a wide range of acidic shades of pink and light green, on the other - a collection of Christian Louboutin, aged in bright combinations. Somewhere in the middle when it comes about color preferences, is a collection of Choo and Bally, who remained loyal to the beige. (ladies on the note: his gentle tone visually lengthen your legs). Different models have different colors, the choice of which depends only on the taste of a leading designer of corporate brand. And they in most of the models offered in the Spring 2010 season, prefer black or brown. Classic never gets old! This leading fashion designers recommend the ladies this season to pick the color of shoes out of tune gloves and purse, and taking into account the color and style to your clothes;

Remain valid and the model Wedge-heeled shoes;

Sharp tip shoes equally cooperates with rounded;

Shoes retain their niche shoe for business meetings and office. Their form is not necessary to be strict. Serious segment of the business class shoe for this season given shoes made of suede. Not to look "bluestocking" (after all, a classic classics - strife) Footwear business - vumen recommend at least a little to dilute the bright color spots or small accessories, gently accentuating your personality;
Best shoes spring 2010

The main "trick" the best shoe spring 2010: the color and pattern you can not really stand out, but various additions to attend a must! And there are numerous. Here and all kinds of weaving, riveting, and various chain locks, metal jewelry, crystals, and large buckle ... (more detailed view of all this makes acquaintance with the products of one of the leading manufacturers of these accessories for shoes - Erica Giuliani - or other - Swarowski). A little advice - if you buy a shoe has a colored ribbon, even if it is not very noticeable - buy leggings, tights or tights with a similar pattern. It is desirable that their color was the same or a little lighter. Real men will appreciate it once;

Good old punk (protruding spines, faded colors, black) are also not forgotten in the collections of the best shoe spring 2010. World-famous brands in the fashion weeks have reported data model is rather wide;

The characteristic distinguishing feature of shoes offered for the spring season this year, we can assume the presence in their front of a small platform, nylon sock (maybe - his imitation), various strings and membranes;

Serious competition to the boots of the season spring 2010 have boots with an open spout. It may be noted the most striking work in this sector: high leather, white (Balenciaga), always a classic fashion - Lace, black ((Alexander Wang), or aggressive military style, offers T Giuseppe Zanotti

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