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Adding Personal Touch With Online Video

Adding Personal Touch With Online Video

Unless you have somehow managed to escape it, the Web 2.0 revolution has changed the way that people see and use the Internet. It has gone from a largely impersonal, cold place to one filled with personal interaction. You simply need to look at the proliferation of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as their increased use by companies, to see just how true this is. The new law of the net is "be personal - or else!" and companies live or die by it.

Make it Personal!

How can you make your company more personal? You've got a Facebook page and regularly tweet to your followers from around the world. What else is there for you to do? Actually, you might be missing one of the most important elements of Web 2.0. What is this? Simply put, the power of video might be lacking from your arsenal. What does video have to do with anything? Consider the impact of YouTube on the Internet. It was not until the advent of YouTube that social media truly got going, despite some early frontrunners. This is a testament to the power of video.

Let 'em Stay a While.

Ok, so how do you use video in your website? Why should you bother? As the title of this article suggests, it lends your website, blog or microsite a personal touch. After all, this is what Web 2.0 is all about. If you are unable to create a personal feeling to your website, then your visitors will likely leave without taking any desired action. In fact, the demand for a "personal touch" has grown so immense that even major Fortune 500 companies have started doing it - witness the incredible explosion of corporate blogs that feature personal, irreverent humor, video clips and other items.

Show 'em What You've Got!

Adding video to your site can also be a great tool for any number of needs. For example, it can be the best way to show how your product works, while still making the experience personal. It can be an excellent way to post training tutorials, show humor and to create immediate, dynamic discourse with your audience. Simply put, people love videos. You are more likely to garner more attention for a video clip than you are for an award that you have won. With video on your side, you have one of the most powerful marketing tools available and a greater chance of success. To your success!

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