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Rush Time Machine Tour Continues Through Mid 2011

Rush Time Machine Tour Continues Through Mid 2011

Rush consists of Alex Lifeson on guitar, Neil Peart on drums, and lead vocalist Geddy Lee on bass and keyboard. The band's interest in science fiction and fantasy can be heard throughout their lyrics and even in the title of their latest tour, Time Machine. Since their music hit record stores in 1974, Rush has built on their sound to create intricate compositions that are critically acclaimed. Fans look forward to hearing Peart's famed drum solos as well as the other band members outstanding skills. Don't miss out on seeing Rush live this summer!

Rush tours are always one of the highlights of the concert season. Fans of all ages come out in large numbers to check out of the best progressive rock bands around. Tickets for Rush always go fast and the best way to get some great seats is to buy from trusted ticket re-sellers. Get your tickets now to see all the favorites including "Tom Sawyer" and "New World Man". The highlight of any Rush show is the amazing solos of drummer and lyricist Neil Peart. Peart has become renowned for his ability to incorporate many different instruments into his drum kit, making his solos a huge spectacle. The glockenspeil, cowbell, and tubular bells are just some of the creativity Neil brings to his unique sound.

Whether you are a Rush fan or just a fan of great music, get your Rush Tickets now to see one of the most talked about concerts of the year. People of all ages can head out and enjoy one of these shows on a nice night out on the town.

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