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Adwords180: Do You Have What It Takes To Do An Adwords180?

Adwords180: Do You Have What It Takes To Do An Adwords180?

Adwords180 is another one of those products that was quietly launched in relative silence without the usual guru fanfare.

There are two main reasons for that, in my opinion. Firstly, the author didn't know any gurus well enough to get a glowing endorsement.

Secondly, the product is a bit one sided and the sales message relatively free of hype and embellishment, 2 elements the traditional guru sales letter requires by some unwritten law of internet marketing.

Adwords180 (the sales letter) is definitely an "author written" sales piece. It's actually quite good but doesn't fit the cookie cutter mold we're used to seeing.

On the other hand, this product is now nearing a gravity of 200 on Clickbank, which is twice that of Adwords Miracle and nearly three times more than Affiliate Project X.

Could it be the masses of buyers are getting tired of the hype. Finally?

Yes and no.

The internet marketing customer crowd is formed like a pyramid. It used to be that the base of this pyramid was infinitely wider than its summit.

At the very top were a few "real" gurus: pioneers like the explorers of yore that discovered new continents, they could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

The overwhelmingly large base was composed of born yesterday newbies that would believe anything they were told. Times were good and gurus were quickly elevated to the status of demi-gods. Their position was self-reinforcing and they became untouchable.

What has happened now is that the pyramid has been stretched. The gurus are still at the top but the base is much narrower than it used to be.

The market has matured and its participants and customers also.

The Adwords180 sales letter is not built for people at the bottom of the pyramid, it's for those somewhere in the middle, and there are lots of them.

To sell to these people effectively, you need either superb credibility or a killer offer presented in a way that jives with their current understanding level.

That means a cut in the level of hype. Adwords180 has benefited from the later. The offer is strong and the presentation is lower key.

The people at the bottom of the pyramid like to see a red Ferrari and a yacht on the sales letter. They like to see a grinning fool promising you millions of dollars while you sleep.

They are not buying a product as a means. They are buying an ends, a dream. The use of the product stops with the joy of dreaming about the money they will make. In more than 90% of cases, no further action will be taken than to buy another such product to renew the feelings brought out by the first.

Some will graduate from the first "dream" product bought. Some from the third, and others never.

The graduates become the second level of the pyramid. They no longer search for a new dream, they search for a way to make that dream come true. They've tried their luck and they have a plan.

These people buy products they perceive as likely to improve their businesses, processes or selves.

They are smart buyers. Hype turns them away. They shun most products because only a very small part will be useful to them. General affiliate guides or adwords guides no longer cut it. They know too much. The buzzwords are "new" and "specific".

Which brings me back to Adwords180. The method described in it is new and specific. No setting up an adwords account, no material on writing ads, nothing or creating landing pages. Very little on the search network if anything at all.

What is Adwords180 about? It's about using the content network to boost your traffic and profit margins. More specifically, it's about using site targeting to get clicks from up to 20 times less than you would pay otherwise.

It's quite interesting really and extremely few people are doing this, thus the validity of the opportunity.

To me the price is a bit high. I bought it because I accept that 98% of the time, I will have to overpay to get something I want in the internet marketing industry, especially information you can't find anywhere else...

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