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How To Do Online MLM Right

How To Do Online MLM Right
How To Do Online MLM Right

When I started online MLM I was pretty overwhelmed with all of the details and it seemed like one immense jigsaw puzzle. I noticed plenty of others having the same problem I was having too - that they didn't understand the principles that govern online network marketing success, so instead of sponsoring more distributors, their time was wasted with 'non money making' busy-work, like checking emails, checking in on their back office, checking Facebook, you name it; the list goes on. These are the things that, in the end, DON'T make you money.

To be successful with your online MLM business, you've got to understand the underlying steps, then your business will undergo an amazing transformation if you stay focused on these steps. Here are five steps to building an online MLM business. You've got to hone in your attention on the activities that MAKE MONEY...and kick the other things to the curb!

What follow are five steps to help your online enterprise. An task for you to get yourself focused:

Step One. The sales 'funnel'. To build your online network marketing business, you need to get a system and a sales funnel in place. It's extremely challenging to build a business and build a website at the same time. You really need to have a sales funnel in place first. A lot of folks get hung up on not making money at all, but what they need first and foremost is a sales system that can actively choose the valid MLM leads from the tire kickers. The infrastructure must be laid before you can begin to see any constructive progress, and the same goes for online network marketing.

Step Two. Traffic is king. You're going to need traffic for your sales funnel. The second step in online MLM is learning to generate enough traffic to get a large enough chunk of leads to make a meaningful difference in your business. Trying to convert prospects by phone, before you have any prospects, just doesn't work. You're going to need more prospects that you can handle so that your stance is such that if someone says 'no', you just move on to the next one. If you have abundant traffic, this is easy! There are lot's of ways to generate targeted traffic to your website, and they can be tailored for various personalities. You just need to pick one and go for it; until you have at least 100 folks a day visiting your website, you're going to be hung up about not having enough MLM leads.

Step Three. The capture. The third step to your online MLM business is getting contact information from your website browsers. Usually this is done with an 'opt in' web form, on your blog or sales page, and this allows a prospect to request information about your business. This is where you start to get superior network marketing leads, as you've now become the hunted rather than the hunter!

Step Four. The follow-up. One of the most significant elements in all of your online network marketing efforts is following up with people. Remember, these are folks who came to you and are curious about what you do. The best way to follow-up immediately, and effectively on 'auto-pilot', is to incorporate an e-mail auto-responder service that can follow-up with your leads just after they opt-in. You pick a set of predefined e-mails that can disperse material to your prospects over the course of days or weeks. This maintains interest and keeps you (and your business!) current in their minds.

Step Five. Recruiting! Yes, this is after all what it's all about. You have an opportunity with the prior steps to build an online network marketing business that conveys to folks who you are. You're building rapport with your prospects through articles, blogs, videos, etc., but when it comes to recruiting, you need to get them on the phone. Your articles may do a lot of the work for you, but online network marketing is mainly about building a relationship.

The great thing about it is that you'll usually be talking to qualified and interested prospects, and the time you spend on the phone with them will be worthwhile. Remember, you'll want to move to this step as FAST as you can when setting up your business. But build it right - if you don't have any prospects, who are you going to talk to?

Now for your assignment. Read through the five steps and ask yourself a few questions:

What's your next step?

- Is your systematization setup? If not, set it up!

- If it is setup, are you originating 100+ web site visitors a day? If not, learn to create traffic and focus on that.

- Do you have a reasonable visitor conversion rate (10%+)? If not, learn to produce a compelling offer that captures attention and gets leads.

- Are you getting at least 10 leads per day? If so, learn how to be great at prospecting!

Online Network Marketing can be an extremely rewarding business if you know how to make it right!

See you at the top!

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