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Child ADD ADHD – Looking For Answers And Seeking Solutions

Child ADD ADHD Looking For Answers And Seeking Solutions

Child ADD ADHD is one of the most frustrating conditions any parent can encounter. After all, every parent wants their child to succeed both academically and socially. Child ADD ADHD puts up a series of obstacles that can present formidable challenges for both parent and child.

What might make matters even worse is that there is no shortage of gurus and specialist more than willing to advise you about what needs to be done to effectively manage such problematic ADHD symptoms as inattention, impulsive actions, and hyperactivity. These approaches range for changing parental behavior to modifying child behavior and of course there is the prescription medication alternative so popular in our elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools today. It not that all of these child ADD ADHD treatment options are bad, rather the breath and cost disparities of a plethora of treatment options can make finding the best one a very confusing pursuit.

On the other hand I believe that if a parent will take a step back and view their child's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder from a distance they will see that failure to pay and sustain attention (inattention, distractibility) is the one child ADD ADHD symptom presenting the most formidable set of obstacles.
Child ADD ADHD – Looking For Answers And Seeking Solutions

What is so frustrating for most parents is that the typical school setting is geared towards children paying attention, being able to stay engaged, and ultimately testing. Most teachers are not willing to modify this formula for the benefit of one child. And yes, statically there will be only one, or maybe two, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in each class. But nevertheless it might be worth talking to your child's educator in hopes they will lend you a sympathetic ear.

As a parent there is a great deal you can do to help your child succeed in school regardless of whether or not your child's teachers are on board. Examples would be helping them get organized before school and after school, providing a quite home environment to complete homework assignments, helping them get started on tasks, reminding them daily of what is expected of them, and laying down boundaries for behavior and achievement.

These suggestions above must be combined with love and support because generally ADD ADHD children don't respond well to overly aggressive parenting.

What you should expect

Studies show that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are not more, or less, intelligent than their peers. So don't expect an ADHD child to who is a little slow and quite possibly may have a childhood learning disability to all of the sudden turn into Albert Einstein overnight.

But by giving them that extra bit of ADHD modified attention along with the tender loving care all children crave and deserve you will be providing them with a platform to excel despite their very real challenges.

Prescription and other treatment options for child ADD ADHD

For those struggling with child ADD ADHD finding an effective treatment option is an important first step. The most common form of treatment currently are prescription stimulants such as Ritalin, Adderall and Vyvanse. While effective, all stimulant medications come with a number of serious label warnings.

The risk of side effects, or perhaps lack of success with stimulants, has prompted many to investigate other options. A couple examples of this are behavior modification therapy and/or natural remedies. Natural remedies for ADHD are a side effect free way to address such problematic symptoms as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, erratic behavior and hyperactivity and can be used both as a standalone treatment or as a compliment to other nonprescription alternatives.

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