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Letting money flow

As you become aware of how money flow you will recognize that money rolls in and out just like the waves of the ocean.

There are times when the tide is out and times when the tide is in.

The universe is made of energy, and energy moves in waves and cycles.

There are times when you attract more money to yourself and times when you attract less.

Some weeks your business may be booming and other weeks you may have very few customers.

There is a natural rhythm to money, just as there is a natural cycle to everything in your life.

All business has an ebb and flow. Each human being has cycles in life,

There are time when more money is coming in than is going out and other times more going out than coming in.

The challenge is not to go up and down emotionally with the natural ebb and flow of money in your life, use these natural cycles to build your prosperity further.


Money flows in my life. I am prosperous.

There are 4 states of being you might experience: calm money is coming in and going out in equal amounts; flow, when much more money is coming in than going out; ebb, when much more money is going out than coming in;

and flat, when no money is going in or out.

Money is symbolic for energy, Money represents an change of energy between you and the outside world.

It represents energy going out from you and the energy coming back in.

If you're in a calm state where money is coming in and going out in equal amounts or flat,where there isn't any movement,

look at where your own energy might not be moving.

You want both Money and your own energy to flow.

By clearing your energy, you can create more money in your life. If there's a block in your energy this can cause a block

in the flow of money.

These blocks could be physical or emotional or your relationships with other people.

If you are in a calm or flat state with money and you want to energy to begin moving, observe your life for a while

an ask your higher self were your energy needs to flow more.


My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life.

I always have more money coming in and going out

I SomeAllow myself to have more than I ever dreamed possible.

I hope these ideas gives you food for thought in your efforts at letting money flow.

by: Dudley

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