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subject: Eleven Things To Know Before You Buy A Jogging Stroller [print this page]

Jogging strollers are available with two different wheel designs. Both designs have three wheels. One is a fixed design, which has two wheels in back and one in front. The other is a swivel design, which has two wheels in front and one in back.

The fixed wheel design is great on all types of surfaces but they don't turn easily. However, most users learn that just pushing down on the handle bar raises the front wheel so you can turn the stroller. The other design has a single swivel wheel as the back wheel and it will turn like a formula one race car. This design does not work well on non-paved surfaces and if you want to go to the beach - forget it.

2. What size tire do you want?

Currently there are three standard wheel sizes on jogging strollers: 12 inch, 16 inch and 20 inch. What it comes down to is the larger the wheel size, the smoother the ride on rougher terrain and the easier to push. You should also only purchase a stroller with inflatable wheels. This provides a smoother ride and some suspension.

3. What should your jogging stroller be made of?

There are two ways look at this. If you really want a work out buy a steel stroller. Steel is a lot heavier than aluminum so it will be harder to push, which will give you one heck of a work out. There are a number of other downsides to steel. You may have to put your jogging stroller into a vehicle from time to time. Can you lift it? Steel will rust so you will have to make sure you wipe it down and keep it dry. The upside is that steel strollers are less expensive.

Another choice is aluminum alloy. The weight difference is impressive and will make your work out more enjoyable. Aluminum strollers are easier to lift and easier to maintain. They do cost more than steel, but will last longer. If there are more babies in your future that's an upside. Otherwise the resale value is higher.

Another choice is carbon fiber. Yes, you can go high tech with your jogging stroller! Carbon fiber weights even less than aluminum, has all the advantages of aluminum and will last a lifetime. If you are serious about your running this may be an option to seriously consider.

4. Handle bar adjustments

We all come in different sizes so make sure the height of the handle bar is going to be comfortable for you as you run. If you and your spouse are both going to use the jogging stroller the handle bar adjustment should work for each of you.

What about baby? You can't just think about your comfort - this is your baby after all.

5. Your baby is going to grow. Does the jogging stroller have enough room to comfortably seat a growing child?

6. Does the stroller allow your child to recline and sit up? A big complaint of users is they have to put blankets or pillows behind their child to prop them up.

7. Can your child be securely fastened into the stroller? Is it safe? Remember you are using a three wheeled vehicle, which can tip over easier than a four wheeled vehicle.

8. Does your stroller have any type of sun visor to protect your child?

9. Are there attachments like a tray for food or toys?

10. Like anything else you do get what you pay for. Being this is your baby, you may want to consider paying a little extra.

11. If you are concerned about the safety of the stroller, you can also look for ASTM certification on the stroller. Safety certification is not governed by law, but there are ASTM standards for strollers. You can assume that if a manufacturer has met the ASTM standard they are trying to make a safe product.

These tips should get you the jogging stroller you need. Now go shopping and have fun.

by: Ryan Round

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