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Mastering Online Trading Performance Plateaus

Most people in life never take the time to master anything. This is particularly true for Trading where far too many join with the expectation of big profits immediately. Actually, if this does happen it should almost be considered to be bad luck, because it has a tendency to breed an unhealthy disrespect for the markets at too early a stage. This can spell disaster later when reality finally sets in.

Most beginner traders find the whole process of Trading to be frustrating and dispiriting. They try many things, experience limited success (if any), and then tend to give up far too quickly.

However, a study of Mastery in any subject would yield a very interesting lesson...

When you set out to learn anything, and this is especially true for Trading, you experience spurts of rapid growth and improvement. These are then followed by long periods where nothing much seems to be happening. You struggle away and no further improvement seems apparent. In fact, sometimes it might even look as though you are actually getting worse.

What you are experiencing is a learning plateau. The interesting thing about plateaus is that they are actually quite normal. In other words, everybody has to go through this process. Even people who are now the very best at what they do, in every conceivable field, went through such plateaus.

This may seem hard to accept or believe when it is happening to you. Nevertheless, it is true. So, far from being frustrated and giving up when you hit a plateau, as so many beginner traders do, you should rejoice and be glad. Know that it is part of the process, and you are being prepared for the next rapid ascent in your abilities.

This will come to you, as long as you are patient and willing to go with the process. Most people are not willing because they feel that they should be showing visible progress all the time. They simply do not understand the process of learning. They think that everything comes easy without trying, which is sadly the big promise of most forms of advertising these days.

However, the truth is somewhat different. Know that if you stick to your Trading and persist with it, you will eventually achieve a very high standard, if not actual Mastery itself.

That is why I encourage beginner and intermediate traders to trade small size while they are learning. Why blow your entire trading capital paying your 'tuition fees' to the market? Why not make those fees as small as possible, and perhaps even zero if you paper trade first?

And since we have been talking about learning plateaus today, which are normal, that is why having a trading mentor or coach is a powerful way to instill into you the maximum amount of trading wisdom in the shortest time possible.

Yes, there will still be plateaus. There will probably even be a degree of frustration. All learners, especially the best ones, experience both. But when you are learning from an expert teacher who knows what he is talking about, things happen much faster. Results come much quicker.

When you program cutting edge Trading skills into your mind and body, you can expect to spend less time on the plateau and more time doing what you love - which is making money from the markets as a trader.

So, if you're on a seemingly endless plateau right now, or worse still on a downward slope, then I would encourage and urge you to consider all you have read in this article and do not be discouraged. Also, seek out some sort of trading coach or mentor who can get you through the sticky patches and help you jump to the next level as soon as possible.

Remember: failure is an event, not a person. you can still be a success - a spectacular success - at Trading, starting today.

by: Asoka Selvarajah

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