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Plan A Multi-Layered Gift For Your Child

Plan A Multi-Layered Gift For Your Child

Sometimes special occasions come up when you really want to wow your child with a great gift. Instead of following a list they have created or going with the usual, consider blending a few things into one great, multi-layered gift. You can look to their favorite activities and interests and create a gift that has several parts. Gifts like this give you a chance to offer education and fun in one gift and because you have mixed the two, your child will still love the gift. A great way to get a kid excited and encourage them to grow is by offering sports materials. You can give your child baseball equipment or baseball instruction and combine these items with game tickets. It is a great way for your child to enjoy a great outing to the ballpark, while also improving their own skills and abilities.If your child enjoys sports and wants to learn more from professionals, consider sending them to a camp. You can combine camps taught by the pros with game tickets. Camps give kids a chance to meet other children with the same sports interests. They also get to learn tips from former professionals and those who have been around the games for year. There is an extra thrill in participating in the camps if your child gets to meet some of their favorite sports superstars. Even better is if they meet other kids that become lifelong friends while attending the camp.Those with kids who are not sports fans can still offer the camp learning experience paired with an outing. Maybe your child is a music fan. They can attend music camp where they are exposed to instrument lessons and then attend a symphony or orchestral performance. Children can also attend camps for space exploration, biological science and zoological interests, all of which can be paired with outings following the camp experience.Children who love to read typically escape into the fantasy world of books because they lack the resources to experience these things for real. While not all fictional worlds can be recreated in reality, some can. If your child has a favorite book or story, find a way to bring it to live by visiting the setting of the story or the hometown of the book's author. Even little children can get in on the fun if you plan visits to fairy tale amusement parks, designed to recreate the settings of their favorite stories. If your child has not yet chosen a favorite book or story, offer them a collection of books and follow-up with a trip associated with one of the stories.A final option for a multi-layered gift is to combine an experience with informative literature. If your child loves horses, provide them with horse care guides and horseback riding lessons. They can read the biographies of their favorite person and then take lessons or classes learning the same skills. Perhaps your child loves to cook so plan a cooking lesson, share a few stories related to the lesson and let your child learn and grow.

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