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Great Tips To Help Make Your Online Conference A Success

Online conferences are a great way to promote your services, products, or business opportunity. They allow you to hold presentations and interact with your prospects without leaving your home or office, and they can participate from wherever they may be as well. Online conferences are convenient for everyone involved.

Online conferencing eliminates the need for travel and all that it entails, but careful planning is still required. Here are seven things you can do to ensure that your online conference is all that you want it to be.

Make the time and date of your conference as convenient as possible. Try to avoid having a conference when most people will be working, as this will almost certainly adversely affect attendance. Also, try not to have it too early in the morning or too late in the evening. This can be rather difficult if you are expecting participants from many different time zones, but do the best you can.

Try out your online conferencing software before the conference. It is important to be familiar with how to operate everything ahead of time. If you haven't used your software before, try it out a few times with friends or family before you have a big conference.

Hire a moderator. The moderator's job is to introduce speakers, assist participants, and deal with some technical issues. He can keep everything behind the scenes going smoothly, taking that burden off of your shoulders so that you can concentrate on getting your message out.

Make hard copies of scripts and notes. It may be tempting to keep everything on the computer, but what if you have technical difficulties and are unable to access the documents you need to keep your conference going? Having a hard copy as a backup can keep the conference going if this should happen.

Provide opportunities for participants to interact. Have each one introduce himself as he calls or logs in. Hold a question and answer session. Make a chat room available for discussion and questions. The more you allow your participants to interact, the more interested they will be.

Give your online conference participants information they can use. This is essential to your conference's success. If you discuss something that your target market will find useful, you will be more likely to attract the types of participants you're looking for.

Promote your online conference. Announce it on your website and blog, post information about it on message boards, and spread the word to bloggers and webmasters whose audiences could benefit from it. The more people who know about your conference, the better your turnout will be.

by: Bjoern North

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