subject: How To Choose The Right Online College For A Nursing Degree [print this page] In these financially turbulent and uncertain times, job security has became a top priority for many people involved in the job market or who wish to become involved in it and so nursing maybe a career worthy of consideration. Health care is a stable industry with excellent employment opportunities in both the public and private sector, after all, people will always be ill and need care and treatment.
With the advent of the internet, there has been a sharp increase in the number of online colleges whereby students can work towards being accredited for a particular degree without ever even having to attend a class. Instead, the student will learn remotely, via a computer terminal where they will access a central server and download the relevant information and study material. A fairly new concept, online colleges are slowly but surely becoming more commonplace and socially acceptable as a whole.
A great deal of care must be utilised when it comes to choosing a potential online college because there is potential for problems to arise, and sadly there has been a number of fraudulent online colleges which do not actually provide the requisite support, or degree that the student has worked so hard towards earning.
First off, you may want to take the precaution of contacting your local nursing regulatory and licensing agency to ascertain whether the college in question is actually officially recognised and whether the degree so earned from the college can be legitimately used. In some cases, the college will only provide the student with the degree and not the license, which falls under a separate category altogether.
Clinical experience is the cornerstone of any healthcare professional's development and learning and this will mean direct, face to face contact and interaction with other healthcare workers and patients as well. Before signing up with a prospective online college, make sure that you are well aware of the arrangements concerning clinical experience, if the college has an arrangement with a local healthcare establishment, how far is the healthcare facility from where you live? You may want to alter your choice of online college based on the distance required to commute or the hours you will be required to work for.
If you plan to specialize within a particular aspect of nursing then you need to make sure that you check with the online college to determine whether or not such facilities are made available. If not, then you will need to find an alternate learning institution.
Another important variable to consider is the fee requirements, not only in terms of the amount of money you will be required to pay, but also the manner in which the payment is required to be made. Does the online college require an upfront fee of the full amount or is it possible to spread the repayment amounts over an extended period of time? The latter option would be more convenient especially for those who have a family or other pressing financial obligations.
by: Josh Stone
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