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subject: Travel To Saigon, Vietnam [print this page]

Travel To Saigon, Vietnam

When you go abroad anywhere there are always going to be dangers that you are not necessarily privy to and will not understand. As such you need to make sure that you stay as safe as possible by asking around and conducting a little research on the possible dangers where you are going. When you travel to Ho Chi Ming city there are going to be a few danger that could catch you out. Here are three main ones.

The first one will be the motorbike cowboys. These are groups of young people who will cruise around on their bikes down on the water front, particularly on sunday evenings. You simply have to keep yourself alert as they can come whizzing around the corner in their groups at any moment.

As well as this you also have to steer clear of many of the motorbike taxi drivers in the area. This can be quite dangerous travelling on the back of one of these, and as a woman you should always try to avoid travelling along on one at all costs.

You also have to remain vigilant in your hotel. This will, of course, depend on what sort of accommodation you are staying in but even in the highest end hotels you will still see thefts taking place. If you are going out for the day, put all valuables that you are not having on you in the hotel safe that should be provided by the staff.

Last of all, always be careful in traffic. As with many of the cities in South East Asia there is a real hustle and bustle going on, particularly in the centre of town, and the traffic is very poorly managed. The trick when crossing the road is to try to follow the locals and step out slowly and navigate across the street. The traffic will simply start going round you!

These are three of the top tips to stay safe in Ho Chi Ming.

by: Jose Maurette Garces

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