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subject: Should I Hire a DUI Lawyer If I Am Charged? [print this page]

Should I Hire a DUI Lawyer If I Am Charged?

Driving under the influence (DUI) is considered a criminal offense. It is not right for a person to drive when he or she is drunk. We should be responsible to other road users and we should not put them in risky situations. When you have been charged under DUI, what should you do next?

Is it a must for you to hire a DUI lawyer? The answer depends on some situations. You need to consider the following before making your decision.

Your personal financial position

You should ask yourself honestly. Do you have the financial ability to hire an attorney? Do you have sufficient cash on hand to pay legal fees?

Does your case involve personal injury?

If you have caused serious accident or personal injury, it is for sure that you need to get an experienced attorney to assist you. You will be jailed if you don't handle this case in a proper manner.

Do you understand the law?

Many Americans do not understand their legal rights. They do not know what they need to do and what consequences they are going to face after being arrested. If you are having the same problem, it is indeed important for you to get legal representation. You must find ways to reduce your charge.

Now, let's see what a DUI attorney can do for you.

He or she is there to assess your legal situation and explain the consequences to you. It is a must for a licensed lawyer to explain all the possible outcomes to you clearly. He or she helps you to understand the legal procedures as well as the possible penalties. You will be able to know the whole situation clearly before attending the court. Seriously speaking, the consequences of driving under the influence vary greatly from one state to another. You may be fined or jailed or both. Your driving license may be terminated. If your case is very serious, you may be required to attend a mandatory alcoholic program.

The lawyer manages the process on behalf of you. For your information, dealing with the state's motor vehicle department is frustrating and time-consuming. In order to have a peaceful mind, you are advised to hire a lawyer to assist you to manage the process for you. He or she helps to complete all the required forms and make all necessary phone calls. The lawyer also assists in scheduling and representing you at the motor vehicle department suspension hearing.

An experienced attorney knows all the ins and outs of the courtroom. He or she represents you in the court and is responsible to obtain a lesser sentence for you. A good attorney applies those arguments that work best for your situation.

When you have been arrested, it is time for you to consider carefully whether you need a DUI attorney or not. If you are still uncertain, contact a lawyer to obtain professional advice. Most of the lawyers provide free consultation for the first time.

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