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subject: Where To Find A Pediatric Dentist In Your Area [print this page]

Anyone with children needs access to a good pediatric dentist. While many dentists will see a child, it is best to take children to a dentist that specializes in treating them. As such it makes sense to find a pediatric dentist in your area.

How to Find a Dentist

With so many dentists specializing in various procedures and fields, it is no longer difficult to find a pediatric dentist in your area. There are a number of ways in which you may find a dentist, even if you're new to the area. Some of the easiest methods are:

Ask Other Professionals: Ask your child's pediatrician to recommend a pediatric dentist in your area. It is to be expected that a pediatrician would be familiar with good pediatric dentists. Most people in a professional field keep track of other professionals in the area.

Online Directories: Search the internet for listings of pediatric dentists in your area. Make a list of those closest to you, and do some additional research on those on your list. Check to see if they are members of any professional dental organizations. Armed with your list, you can also verify how long they have been practicing, if there are any negative comments about them online or any malpractice lawsuits.

Family and Friends: Ask family members, friends and coworkers with children for recommendations. Word of mouth recommendations are the best form of advertisement. Dissatisfied clients or patients will talk and so will satisfied ones. Getting recommendations may be a bit difficult if you are new to an area. This doesn't mean you cannot ask people with whom you come into contact.

Physical Visits: Visit the offices of a few pediatric dentists located in your area. Pediatric dentists that are kid-friendly will have surroundings that are appealing to children. Dirty waiting areas or too clinical a setting are not the hallmarks of a child friendly practice that you would want to use.

Professional Organizations: While trying to find a pediatric dentist in your area check if there are any professional organizations for that group. One such organization is the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). If there is, they should have a directory of members. This directory will list the dentist's areas of specialization. Even a general dental professional organization will have a directory of members with specializations and contact information.

Dental Schools: Depending on where you live, there may be a dental school in the area. The bonus here is that you more often than not pay less for great service. In some cases, general services such as cleaning may even be free.

Convenience Close to Home

Finding a pediatric dentist in your area also makes economic sense. With rising gas prices, travelling costs have increased significantly. If your child's dentist is close to home, this will be easier on your budget. Who doesn't want to save money, especially in these trying economic times?

Not only is having your child's pediatric dentist located in your area convenient, it means better use of your time. Plus, having a pediatric dentist in your area means having quicker access in the case of an emergency. No one wants to have to drive for miles to reach a dentist when a child is in pain.

Even when you find a pediatric dentist in your area, ask questions. You need to be satisfied that you have found the professional you want working on your child's teeth.

by: Brian Benko

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