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Free Online Web Advertising - 3 of the Best Methods

Free Online Web Advertising - 3 of the Best Methods

Why Use a Blog?

You might be wondering why I recommend that you use a blog to advertise so often. The simple answer is that search engines love them! When you have a blog you have a site that is updated often with new content and pages, which makes your site appear more valuable to search engines. And when you get the community involved through comments, you add even more fresh content which puts you even higher in the search results. The higher up your page shows in search results, the more often people will end up on your site.

Another reason why I recommend them is because they are so easy to set up. You can literally set up a blog in 5 minutes, from start to finish. And you don't even have to do any coding! Let's face it, most people don't know how to create web pages and blog sites know that so they make it simple to set one up. The only things most sites require is that you enter a username, password, email address, your basic blog info and then confirm your email in a message they send you. It's that simple!

And the main reason why I recommend you use a blog is the reason why I can include it in this article: it's FREE! Yes, you can upgrade your blog to a paid blog so that you can upload it on your own domain and take off some ads, but to start you don't have to pay a cent. There are a lot of free blogs out there pulling in cash every single day. So go to a site like Blogger or Wordpress and set up your free blog today. Once you have your site ready you need to organize the type of advertising you'll do.

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Advertise in Forum Signatures

First you'll want to go to your favorite search engine and type in some keywords that relate directly to the niche you want to target so that you can find forums that are specifically focused on your target market. So if you want to advertise golfing products then search for "golf forum" and see what comes up. This helps you find a group of people that are all going to be looking for your type of products.

Then you'll want to filter through the results to find a handful of forums that have a high amount of members. You can usually scroll down to the bottom of the main forum page and see how many members they have. You want them to have a ton of members so that your posts will be seen my many people; you don't want to waste your advertising efforts. Just because it's free doesn't mean you should do a poor job.

When you find some frequently trafficked forums you want to look through the posts and see what other people have as signatures. A signature is just a little bit of text, and sometimes images, that show up under each and every one of your posts. You need to check the forums rules to see if they allow you to put a link in your signature. If they do then you've found a winner!

What you'll want to do is set up your profile, put a link to your blog on your profile page and add an avatar image. Then you want to go into the forums and help people out; get into the conversations. Don't give one word responses; you really need to be helping people out. After a while you can pop your link to your blog into your signature so that EVERY single time you post in the forum your link will be right below your post. Then add some text to your signature to entice them to check out your blog. Tell them what benefits they'll receive if they just check out your link.

When you're giving people quality advice in the forums they're going to want to know what else you have to offer. This is going to turn into a lot of targeted traffic for your site. And on top of that, you're going to have a ton of backlinks to your site because search engines will see your link in your signature over and over again. So find a bunch of forums you can post in and spend maybe an hour a day helping people out. There's one more free advertising method I want to talk about, and this one won't take as much effort.

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Advertise in Classified Ads

You need to be advertising on free classified ad sites on a regular basis for two reasons. The first reason is more backlinks, but that's not the most important reason. The real reason is because people come to these sites every single day looking for specific information. They are ready to take action and want to solve their problem as soon as possible. These sites get a TON of traffic and you can tap into it for free!

You can use any site you want but one of the biggest classified ads sites out there is Craigslist. In fact, right now it's the 10th most trafficked site in the US and the 31st most trafficked site in the world! So you really need to get over to Craigslist and tap into this traffic. They break the site down by city, so you can pick any city you like, but I like to alternate through each and every city. So start out with the first one if you want and find the exact category you should be posting in, otherwise your post will get flagged. I give away free information in exchange for an opt-in so I usually post in the lessons and tutoring section.

You won't be able to post the same ad over and over again; in fact you'll want to wait 2 days before you post the same ad again. So write up a few different ads that all entice people to go to your site; 3 ads should be ideal. I say three because Craigslist only allows you to post 3 ads in one day in the same category. So write an enticing headline that people HAVE to click to check out your ad. And then track which ads pull in the most traffic to really focus your efforts. Advertising your products online really doesn't have to cost you a penny!

This is a proven system for getting truly free targeted online web advertising; in fact I use all three methods myself. When you create a blog and advertise it through forum signatures and classified ads you can easily create a huge amount of profit for yourself! Now you can quickly advertise anything you want without paying a cent.

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