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subject: The Ultimate Bling: Grillz For Your Teeth [print this page]

Hip Hop is still alive and the best way to show the love is by wearing the best bling, grillz for your teeth. There are permanent grillz and removable grillz, but both versions are some of the finest jewellery around. All jewellery has historical significance and this particular type of precious metal is no exception.

The history of grillz began in Europe but was most common with the ancient Aztecs in Mexico as a sign of wealth. Many cultures during the Bronze age in Western Europe had decorative stones as caps on the teeth. It was also part of religious rituals during ceremonies and coming-of-age celebrations for young men and women. Some ancient societies used capped teeth as a sign of marriage and fertility to the rest of the clan or tribe.

In the twentieth century this type of jewellery was a status symbol and it has been pushed forward by the music industry. It was popularized in the nineties and became even more renowned at the beginning of the twenty first century. Grillz are now used solely as a fashion statement.

An example of this are the matching grillz. Top and bottom grillz can be matched to necklaces, watches, and rings by jewellery designers. For the creative individuals, both grillz can be artistically different from each other with different accessories.

The newest grillz are decorated with precious stones. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds and pearls can make a regular grill become art work for the body. This goes beyond bling and are intended to take the person who is wearing this type of grill to a whole new status in society.

Another popular feature is engraving the grill with a quote or the name of the wearer. A profound philosophical statement can be very sentimental to the owner. A name on the tooth caps can keep them from being lost or stolen.

Designer bling shows a cultivated sense of fashion. Grillz can be given as gestures of brotherhood between men at bachelor parties and birthdays. Giving nice bling shows that the person truly cares. Everyone who receives a grill from a friend or family member will understand its special significance.

Many advanced ancient cultures had royal families who wore grillz. It was a sign of wealth and fashion just like it is today. Bling has always been the best way to express cultural heritage, social class and tribal affiliation. In this era it has different value but it is still just as important in many countries.

by: Lena Shattuck

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