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subject: What You Should Know When Looking for Florida Online Divorce Services [print this page]

What You Should Know When Looking for Florida Online Divorce Services

What You Should Know When Looking for Florida Online Divorce Services

Online legal services have become very popular among those looking to get divorced. With the right Florida online divorce services, you can connect with a real lawyer who will help prepare and file your divorce forms and represent you in court.

But beware. Not all Florida online divorce services are the same. Some aren't even backed by a real lawyer or law firm, so you're throwing away your money for legal services from a "non lawyer."

How can you make sure you choose an online divorce service that's legitimate and a good value? Here are some simple tips to help you out.

The first thing you have to do is confirm that the online service is actually backed by a lawyer or law firm. There are a lot of these websites that are run by "divorce paralegals." Paralegals aren't real lawyers. In fact, Florida law dictates that a paralegal must perform all legal tasks under the supervision of a lawyer or law firm. Paralegals aren't allowed to practice law on their own.

So if you come across a Florida online divorce service that's being run by a paralegal and isn't backed by a law firm, you should know that they technically aren't allowed to provide you services. They're in violation of the law.

But what's worse is that paralegals just don't know the law. They don't have the experience or the insight to handle your case properly. They don't know about the local ordinances that vary throughout the state, outlining what paperwork needs to be filed. And as a result, they provide shoddy legal services that often leave clients frustrated and without the outcome they'd hoped for.

Once you confirm that the online service is backed by an actual law firm, it's time to do a bit more research. Not all lawyers are the same. You need to make sure you're working with an experienced legal team. You want someone on your side who has been practicing law for decades, not a few months. You want someone on your side who knows the Florida family law system like the back of his hand, not some inexperienced lawyer who has only handled a couple of divorce cases.

You also need to know exactly what the online services include. Some websites only sell the Florida divorce forms, leaving you to prepare them and file them yourself. You want to find a comprehensive Florida online divorce serviceone that includes document preparation and filing, in-court representation, and legal counsel.

And finally, you want to make sure you're getting the services you need at a price you can afford. Many lawyers bill their clients by the hour or request large retainers for their services. The truth is that the average person just can't afford that.

The best Florida online divorce services are available at a low flat fee. You simply pay the flat fee plus the court fees, and that's all you'll ever have to pay. You can save thousands of dollars, and you'll get the peace of mind of knowing how much your divorce costs up front.

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